Chapter 42

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Hey, it's Chanel! I was just calling cause Action didn't come home last night or all day he with you? I questioned D which who was Actions right hand man. He really was the only one who knew he was okay and out the hospital.

Naw sis! Let me get out here and see if I can find him.

He's depressed can you talk to him if you do?

Yeah I got you no worries!

I hung up the phone and called Smooth. Him or Kayla didn't know he was doing good and out the hospital. He didn't want me calling neither one of them. They didn't even know I had the baby.

Yo? Smooth answered sounding sleepy.

Hey sorry to bother you....I....I was just calling to see if you seen Action. He been gone all day yesterday didn't come home last night and  didn't come home today and here it is going on 10pm.

Wait what? What you mean? When did he get out the hospital? When was he even woke?

He woke up months ago I tried to contact you and Kayla but y'all never returned my calls. We been home from the hospital for weeks now.

What? I'm coming over...

I gotta go my baby crying!

What you had her?

Yeah, I gotta go! I said hanging up and going over to my baby. I picked her up to something her and the door opened. Quez stumbled into the house drunk. His shirt was off and his sweats was saggin. It looked like he had a stain on his drawls that could of been lip gloss or something. I just hope and pray he didn't.....

Are you drunk? I asked pissed off.

What's it to you? He asked pouring liquor into his mouth.

What do you mean what's it to me? You can't be drinking while you on your meds.

Fuck them meds!

You missed therapy yesterday and today to be fuckin drunk! Are you kidding me Action!

I do not got time to hear you bitch Goodnight! He said going back out the door. I heard the car pull off and zoom down the street. I sat my baby down in disbelief.

Nope this was not happening. I started to ball my eyes out. What the fuck!

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