Chapter 30

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I sat on my couch wiping my tears. I felt like I was just going through so much. My front door opened and I knew it could of only been one person. Action closed the door behind him.

Why you crying? He asked picking me up and sitting me in his lap. I haven't seen or talked to him in weeks.

Cause Quez!

Cause what Chanel?

I don't wanna be a single mom! That's not how I pictured my life!

You not gone be a single mom.!

Yes I am cause you're married!

I'm working on it baby! And that's not gone make you be a single mom.

I haven't heard from you in weeks.

You kicked me out yo house last time I was here.

Yeah cause you lied to me! I hate finding stuff out from someone that's not you!

I apologized time after time. Look I kicked this bitch out my house. I'm waiting for my lawyers to get back in contact with me so we could move forward with this annulment shit. I been trying to get shit together so we can start over one more time no lies no extra relationships just us.!

I don't believe you though.

And I understand that! That's why I don't wanna talk about it ima just show you. Now come on let me put you in the bed, you look tired. When was the last time you went to sleep?

Yesterday! I can't sleep, I'm to uncomfortable and I missed you! I said breaking down in tears.

Why you just ain't put yo pride to the side and call me?

Cause I'm mad at you!

I'm sorry baby girl! He picked me up and carried me upstairs to my room. He pulled the covers back and layed me down. He crawled into bed next to me and pulled me close to him. "Stop crying baby I'm right here!" His words was like comfort. I wiped my tears took a deep breath and next thing I knew my eyes was closed.

When I woke up I felt like I was at peace. I wasn't even that tired any more either. Quez was still sleep behind me. I got up to go to the bathroom and to take a quick shower cause I was hot and sweaty.

I changed my clothes and put on some shorts and a sports bra. My little belly was starting to poke more. I went downstairs to start dinner. I made something simple! Just some chicken, shrimp, Alfredo, with broccoli. I was about to fuck me a bowl up I was so hungry.

I cleaned the kitchen as I went so I wouldn't have much to do later. I made my bowl and Quez a bowl. I heard the stairs squeak as he came down them.

How you feel? He asked leaning into the counter.


Good to hear! He pulled me into him and hugged me and kissed my forehead. He thinks he can just pull me into his embrace and everything would be okay?
Like we can go back to normal now?

I made Alfredo, you want some?

Actually I was about to head out go take care some business real quick.


Don't be like that!

Like what?

Like this.....talkin bout some "yup"!

What you want me to say "oH OkAy" no! You come in here unannounced and uninvited which I didn't care at first but you not bouta do this keep coming in and out of my life for weeks at a time. You say you going to handle business than next thing you know you not back here for another 2 weeks.

Well what you wanna do Chanel? You made it very clear you didn't wanna be with me! And I was just checking on you since you wasn't texting or calling back.

You do that for a few days than stop! Didn't give me any time to process the fact you was married! And when did I ever say I didn't wanna be with you. If that was the case I would of got the abortion!

What you wanna do? Im putting the ball in your court!

I want my fuckin boyfriend back. I want you to
Come home to me every night! I wanna see your face when I wake up in the morning, I wanna be able to call you when I'm getting emotional, I wanna be able to tell you how my day was and you ask how you could made it better. I want you to rub my stomach while we lay on the couch together watching a movie. I want you to want me!

I do want you.! You know I want you and I wanna be able to go all those things with you.

Than why are you married?!

IM WORKING ON IT! Look we can't move forward with us if you keep bringing it up. We gotta accept the past so we can move forward or drop all this shit all together and just coparent. Cause I don't wanna be in a relationship getting reminded 24/7 of what I do. I apologized numerous times. But I need for you to clearly understand this marriage was forced she forced me into this shit I literally had no knowledge of this. I was never going to marry that girl. That is why she did this. She was fucking my brother the whole entire time. But like I said I'm working on everything.

How long is this gonna take?

I don't know Chanel can't be to much longer!
Do you trust me?

Yeah...but no!

Okay you said yeah all I can do is build that trust back up. I'll be back I promise!


Yeah! Stop crying all the time dude! He wiped my tears and kissed me. "I love you Chanel"

I love you to Quez.

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