Chapter 74

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Where you in a rush to? Nikole asked as I panicked looking for my keys.

I have to be some where come on where is my keys you seen them?

Nah I haven't! You always leaving. You haven't spent no time with me or the kids. MJ constantly asking where you are. Come on now we just came home yesterday and your running out the door again.

Nikole I really don't have time to argu about anything I have to go. MJJJJJ! I yelled his name.

Yes daddy?

Have you seen my keys?

No! He turned around and went back to his room to play. I been looking everywhere for over an hour now. Where was my fuckin keys. I was getting pissed off I completely missed my baby's gymnastics class. I probably was going to miss the dinner to.

How you work that Lyft shit?

What you need a Lyft for where is you fuckin going?

I have to be some where what don't you understand!

Is it somebody else Quez? Like seriously is it?
You've always been distant with me and I don't think we on the same page!

What? Cause I need to be somewhere it's somebody else?

You didn't hear anything I said? Here! Since you have to be some where so bad here! She lifted our son from his car seat and grabbed the keys from under him. " leave go do what you gotta do so bad and when you done don't come back! I'm done with you!" She yelled mad. She threw my keys at me and started crying. I did not need this shit right now. I walked out the door and got in my car.

By the time I made it to the restaurant Chanel was literally walking out holding our daughter hand. She had a look of hate and disgust.


Save it! She walked to her truck and put our daughter in.

Chanel I swear to god I was gone be on time I swear I was! I couldn't find my keys.

Right! I told you, you will not be coming in and out of my daughter life! I gave you a chance and you literally blew it.

Nikole hid my keys I couldn't find them Chanel please give me another chance I'm literally begging you!

No! Your not going to play with my daughter! I don't care what you do with your other two but this one Princess Stevenson this ain't that and that ain't this! Bye Action!

Dude please! I'm literally begging you to be apart of my daughters life.

And I literally gave you a chance and you folded!

The bitch hid my keys what was I suppose to do?

Anything! I'm just not about to play about my fuckin kid. I promise you, you won't ever get the chance to hurt her or leave her like you did before.

I'm not! I just wanna be apart of her life.

You blew that chance! Bye Action. She pulled off pissed off and I see why. She thinks I stood them up. No matter how much I tell Chanel the truth she'll always think I'm lying to her. I felt defeated at this point. I'm fuckin tired.

This literally can not be my fuckin life. Two BM's 3 kids! Was hell!

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