Chapter 28

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I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't eat nor could I get any sleep. I felt nauseous every second. I barely could keep any water down. I desperately wanted to go home and crawl in my bed and cry but I had to push through my last few classes for the day. I don't want my baby to ever think I gave up on anything.

I took my seat in my last class in the back at the last computer. This girl came and sat next to me. I never seen her in this class before.

Sorry to bother you, but do you know what time this class ends? She asked as she got herself adjusted.

Um at 11:50 I believe! I said nicely and returned back to writing my notes.

Thank you! I'm Courtney by the way! Sorry if I'm talking to much I'm just a social butterfly! She giggled.

It's cool, I'm Chanel!

Oweee like the purse!

Yeah! I laughed.

I picked my phone up cause I had a text message! It was from my baby daddy!
"🤮 Someone Lying Ass Son🖕🏾"
Can we talk.....I miss you! How are you feeling how's the baby?

"The baby is fine!" I texted back placing my phone back down.

Oh my god that case is so cute! Courtney said referring to my phone case.

Oh thanks!

Where did you get it?

My baby father, I mean boyfriend  picked it up from Dior when we was in Miami.

Oh that's an actual Dior case that's cold! I know that damn near was an arm and a leg! And girllllll you do not look like you had any kids.

I'm currently pregnant! And I don't know how much it was he had just got it for me.I laughed.

He must be a good dude! And you look good for pregnancy now I wish I looked that cute and small when I was pregnant both times.

Yeah he is! I lied with a smile.

That's him on your screensaver? Girl You fuck with Action!? She asked surprise.

Ummm yeah he's my boyfriend! (Now I know Action was a well known dude....everybody knew him but this was kinda weird to me.)

That's crazy!

What is?

I thought he was married?

No.....we been in a relationship for a while.

Oh wow! I thought he was with that girl YaYa! See you think you know a person and you don't!

How do you know Action?

Who don't know Action! He a hoe ass Nigga!

Use to be, maybe but not no more! I said through a smile. This bitch was low key getting me hot right now! Cause bitch shut the fuck up.

Maybe but you got a baby and a relationship out of him you must got gold between them legs!

Nah niggas just change for who they wanna be with! But it's nice talking to you I gotta go! I said getting up grabbing my stuff. One thing I hate is when a bitch can randomly converse with me about my man like bitch you don't know what you talkin bout. I felt embarrassed a bit. Like yeah everyone knew about his ex cause they was together for a while but damn muthafuckas know y'all was married to. This is embarrassing calling a Nigga my man and the next bitch saying oh they thought he was married. The marriage I knew nothing a fuckin bout.

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