Before she knew it she was parked outside of the bar that Joe owned. She figured this was the best place to start to find her mother. Besides she would need a minute before attempting to go up to the house. If  her mother stuck with her routine, she would be inside cleaning up from the night before since the bar didn't open until the night. However, Diane's car was not the only one in the lot. There were about 6 or 7 other cars.

"I guess they open during the day now" Diane said to herself as she looked around. " Ain't much else to do around here."

Diane got out of the car and prepared herself for what she was going to see when she opened the door. She expected to see a bunch of drunk nobodies, who's only goal in life was to drink themselves into a coma. Shockingly, that was far from what she saw. The once dreary disgustingly stained walls were painted white. The boarded floors were now cleanly buffed hardwood. The shed-like lighting and feel were now bright and airy. The smell was quite heavily coming from the new addition kitchen that can be seen from the front instrance. It no longer looked like a rundown building. It now looked like something worth coming to.

" Have a seat wherever you like. I'll be right with you." A girl who was behind the counter who was carrying dirty dishes spoke.

Finally snapping out of her strance, Diane found a seat a bit overwhelmed by the transformation. The bar looked like this; she could only imagine the house. She had come to the conclusion that this place was no longer a bar but a diner.

"Welcome to Dancer's. So sorry for the wait..."

" I'm sorry, what did you say?" Diane interrupted.

" I said sorry for the wait." The young waitress gave an awkward smile before speaking of the specials." You should try Dancer's breakfast, it's a slight spin on the classic stack of pancakes. It's made with..."

" eggs, bacon and a touch of cinnamon and vanilla in the batter."

" That's exactly right. It's my favorite here along with the pot roast at dinner time." The girl beamed.

" Who's the cook if you don't mind me asking?"

" Oh not at all. My aunt is usually the cook around here but she took the week off. My uncle is the cook for today." Diane got a little nervous hearing the word, uncle. The only uncle that would work out here was Joe."I promise you everything he cooks up is just as mouth watering as Nita's." the waitress explained cheerfully.

" Max, I need your help right quick. Go up to the house and get some potatoes and carrots from Nita. Might as well get started on the lunch specials." A very tall man emerged from the back wiping his hands with a towel. He was dressed in an all black cooks outfit that had splats of flour all over him. He greeted a few patrons that were in attendance before being face to face with the young girl, Max.

" I will be a second Uncle Frank. I'm still taking this young lady's order. I just told her about the breakfast special but I guess I'll  tell her about our lunch special"

" It makes no never mind. I'll whip up anything she likes. What do you have a taste for, miss?"

The tall man, Frank smiled and looked down at Diane but his smile left him as shock covered his face.

" Diane?"

"um yes.."

Diane did not know who this man was or at least she didn't recognize him. His skin was a deep bronze that glistened in the sun. His hair almost matched his skin, sandy brown color in a neat afro. She couldn't tell what color his eyes were but she could tell they were light.

"Don't worry about going up to the house now Maxine. I think we're going to close for the day once this breakfast crowd finishes up. Our dancer is home."

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now