1 | similar to you, but not to me.

Start from the beginning

The man was quick to move, lifting the woman to bring her into the compound. She had passed out the moment she had seen the man - finally allowing herself to put her guard down. It wasn't a bad choice, seeing as that same man would never let the heir of the clan down.

"I've got you, M'lady."

A year later, she gave birth to your younger sister. Well, half-sister, since her father wasn't yours. But she grew up to be just like a blood-related sibling to you. For one, she was your only company growing up.

Besides, you weren't allowed outside of the clans compound, anyway. Not that it mattered much to your four-year-old self anyway, as much of a curiosity as you did have - you found yourself afraid to leave. The dangers of the outside were pounded into your head, making you want to stay.

Your sister was allowed out with your father, neither of them were sought after, anyway. They'd come home with treats - and stories of whatever little thing they had seen.

It entertained you every time.

You were a mommys girl, only came naturally seeing as you were constantly at her side - clinging onto your shirt or skirt - whatever you decided you could reach best at the very second. It was second nature to the two of you, there wasn't a time she could recall not having you at her side. She would tell you stories of your clan - why they gained their prestigious name and their heroic actions in the war.

One part of you wanted to be as heroic as that, and the other part of you was scared of getting killed as another nameless face in a war. A war where nobody even had the time to bat an eye at the loss of a death. You didn't want to be one of those people.

It was selfish, but if you were to die, you wanted to be remembered. To be mourned. Even if it was such a small group consisting of only your mother, father, and sister. But you were sure the demographic would be a lot bigger. Heirs of clans were always well-known, weren't they?

Your mother took it upon herself to train you, being the talented Kunoichi she was. But it was hard on a four-year-old - especially one that didn't have the drive to become stronger. As much as you adored your mother, you didn't yearn to be half as capable as her - no matter how many Jutsus he could learn because of a Kekkei Genkai.

She was gentle - and patient. Too much for what a fussy kid you were, complaining about how hard it was whatever chance you got. She'd shower you with encourging words. But there was only one sentence she spoke that stuck with you.

"Don't you want to protect those dear to you? That's why I became strong. So I wouldn't have to lose anybody I love."

After that, you tried just a little harder.

"No fair! Why does mom always chose you to train and never me?" Your sister whined to you one day. You were only four, while she was three. You were already to young to be training, let alone a three year old such as your sister.

"You don't even want to become a Ninja! So why?" Frustrated tears pricked at her eyes, she inherited the color of her fathers eyes.

"Don't whine, [SistersName]." You sighed, wiping away the sweat on your forehead. "Even if I don't want to be a Ninja, I'll still have to become the head of the clan." It was all complicated talk - words your sister didn't understand, and only ones you understood solely because your mother was able to teach you more.

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