1 | similar to you, but not to me.

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"My little miracle..." It was a memory you were too young to ever remember, being cradled by your mother- tenderly as to not hurt you in any way, just holding you so close to her. She was weak - having birthed you just a few moments ago, yet she was set on sitting up and holding you.

She pressed a kiss to your forehead, your cheeks, your eyelids, anything to display all the affection she felt for you in what little time she had with you. You were crying, a sign of life she smiled at.

Within all the noise, she failed to hear the door that creaked open and the footsteps that stopped at her side. The only thing that managed to catch her attention was the sight of lower legs in her peripheral. The fire of love in her heart simmered only slightly as she looked up at the man beside her - who looked down at her with cold eyes.

"You know the deal, [Mothername]." He spoke, eyes failing to show any empathy.

She knew the deal, yes. Every second of her pregnancy she feared the day of your birth, as full of happiness and excitement as an expecting mother should be, the fear outweighed it. "But... Can't I just have a little more time with her? She's my daughter, too." She plead, holding you closer to her as if it would prevent what was to come.

"Her father is a powerful man, from today forward you shouldn't think of her as your child." He reached his arms toward you, only to be denied access by your mother - who quickly stood to her feet.

"I won't let you have her!" She denied, walking backward in a feeble attempt of getting away. She had already dreamt of the type of life you would have - safe in her clan's compound - instead of used like some sort of display in your fathers clan. His clan worshipped dragons - and you had one sealed inside of you three months back. Your mother couldn't tell if the marks under your eyes were a result of it or not.

"I won't let you! You're wrong if you think I'd simply let that man get away with her!" Her voice was hoarse as she spun on the heel of her foot, sprinting out with what little energy she had left. Though your mother was renowned to be a strong woman, pregnancy affected all women in the same factor - it weakens them. Your loud crying didn't do much to soothe her nerves - but she managed to keep a clear head.

Despite her slugishness, she ran, holding you close to her chest with one hand while lifting her hand up to you. "Your name will be [Firstname] [Lastname]... You're from the [Lastname] clan." She told you--as if you'd be able to remember it. With that, she placed her hand onto your stomach - a sealing, so that the dragon inside of you would never show itself. Somehow, it managed to get you to stop crying. She'd rather not do it, but she decided she had to - so that your father's dragon-obsessed cult wouldn't get ahold of you for the wrong reason.

And somehow - despite the yelling behind her demanding her to return, she managed to get away.

Sunagakure was a hot village, even when the sun was down and the moon was in full display, it would be hot enough to get someone to sweat. That was the case for your mother, who struggled to continue walking to the entrance of her clan's compound. But for the baby in her hands - for you, she continued anyway.

At the entrance waited a worried man, who immediately ran toward yours mother slugish figure in the distance.

"Lady [mothername]!" He called out, reaching his arms out for her as she finally collapsed. The man looked down at her, at the top of her head - and then toward you in her arms.

Not only did she make it out alive, but she made it out alive with you. The baby everyone knew was bound to be taken the moment she was born, because her father was a strong man that demanded it is his. From this day onward, this clan wouldn't be safe - not with that constant threat looming over it.

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