53. Terms of Surrender

Start from the beginning

Ian hesitated. "They had both fallen unconscious a week ago. It was sudden, so we were left unprepared."

Oliver frowned. "Sarah," he called out.

A woman rose from the bleachers and rushed to him. No one had noticed her before except for Oliver. He had fought quite a few years by her side and knew how she would blend into a crowd.

She saluted, but her eyes were red, and tears threatened to fall. "Oliver." She said softly.

Oliver patted her on the shoulder. "You've been well?"

"Yes, boss."

"You were in Wynter with Cora. Did she return home safely?"

"Yes, boss."

Oliver sighed. "I have a job for you before we catch up. Go to Ewen's room and search it. Have a priest accompany you."

"What am I looking for?"

"Letters, plans, and poison."

She bowed and took off out of the room.

"Ian, what of my uncle?" He finally asked but dreaded the moment the question left his lips. A somber mood blanketed the room. He took a deep breath and forced himself to remain patient. "Nevermind. Tell me later."

Ian nodded and stepped back so Oliver could have the floor. 

"We are glad to see you awake, King," Castor said with a bow.

Oliver's brow creased. He had started getting used to others calling him King, but he needed to be something different in a room where everyone was conscious of rankings and titles. He needed to converse without others tip-toeing around words because of a crown. 

"Right now, I am not speaking to you as a King but strictly as a General until my uncle returns." He said.

Draco restrained himself from wincing from the declaration. He had expected it and understood Oliver's intentions, but it still caused his worries to gnaw away at him.

The men from Wynter and Rucrea saluted. "Yes, General."

Even after hearing the familiar title, Oliver couldn't relax. He walked over and removed every army marker from the map. And positioned himself on the Bierzen side of the map.

"What everyone is ignorant about is that Bierze is a topological fortress. Defending it is as easy as breathing." Oliver said.

Draco's lips curled, knowing Oliver was the only person who could be arrogant enough to say this.

Oliver continued. "We need to know our risks before anything. The first would be our lack of information on whether the bandits and Ravagers have emptied their caves. It's best to assume that they haven't. This means that our southern route has been cut off because of the bandits' hideout in the Camwood Caverns. Even if we avoid them and enter Duke Holt's lands, we will be stuck in the marshes... The north is also blocked because of the Ravagers hiding in the Asksno Peaks. In addition to Ravagers, I do not wish to fight the wraiths and beasts that plague the foothills and Misty Passage."

He continued to point to several other locations, explaining why it would be difficult to attack. He was intimately aware of every way to defend Bierze and did not hide it. He took his knowledge a step further and discussed difficulties they would encounter in the lands of the other kingdoms. 

An Abrorgean pointed to a seemingly flat piece of land that seemed a perfect entrance to invade; however, Oliver responded with a laugh.

"This is the Petal Cliffs, my favorite place to defend."

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