58 ~ Italy

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Lizzie POV

Our Boston visit has been amazing. Y/N really needed this time to check on her family and I'm happy we did it. It makes me think that maybe she would want to be closer to them. I know she likes New York more than LA but she's been spending so much time in LA. I hope it's not just for me.

We are spending the first part of our day with the kiddos so Marie can run errands with Charlie while Derek is at work.

Aiden and Mia are taking advantage of the time with their aunt by requesting to play music with her. She's already taught Mia how to play Cherry on the guitar. Mia got a little frustrated with the fingerpicking but now she's doing it like it's nothing and ran off to her room to show Marley on Facetime.

Aiden is writing music with his Aunt now at the piano and it's the cutest shit I've ever seen.

They haven't come up with any words so far but the piano is really pretty. Aiden gets up to grab Y/N's old journal and she flips through the pages for a while. When a blush fills her cheeks and she peeks up at me I tilt my head in confusion.

"Uh, I might have found something, Aid. Let's try it out." She directs Aiden to start playing and I smile when her voice fills the space.

Lights are turned off, Music is on

Minds are unlocked, This feeling is amazing

Hands on your waist, Liquor is all that we taste

Your freckles lead the way, I trace your constellations

A blush fills my own cheeks as I realize what these lyrics are about and she stops singing there.

"That was pretty Auntie, I think it goes well with my chords." He decides still quietly fiddling with different runs on the keys.

"Oh your chords? I didn't help at all?" She teases and he giggles.

"Did we write a song?" He asks looking up briefly to look into eyes identical to his.

"We did booger. Proud of you." She whispers and kisses his temple.

"Okay I want to still play but I want to be alone now." He decides and Y/N smiles, ruffles his hair and gets up to offer me a hand. I take it easily and let her lead me to the back porch.

I snuggle into her neck after she pulls me into her lap and she laughs lightly as I wiggle closer. "You're a cuddly bear." She whispers before kissing my temple.

"I am...You're cuddly like a teddy bear...that's what you said to me the first time you called me lizziebear" I remind her and she hums in thought.

"It's still true. I love being close to you." She whispers, her lips still against my skin.

"I heard that...interesting lyrics you found in that old journal." I tease.

"I uh...I wrote some stuff after our first time together." She reveals. "I was feeling so much. You left the day after for Russia and all I could do was write." She shares and my heart clenches at the reminder of that time in my life.

"You know...sometimes I forget Russia even happened. My therapist says I might be repressing the memories. I want to forget it so that makes sense. I do remember what happened and all the shit that happened after...I just wish I could erase it." I sigh. Her arms tighten around me and I smile at all the comfort that fills my body.

"I promised no one would ever hurt you again. Did I succeed?" She asks and I giggle.

"You did. Thank you." I offer. She's my safety blanket, my home, my everything.

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