50 ~ Catch Me

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Lizzie's POV:

We spent the weekend together and apart. Y/N spent some time with Pam and I spent some time in my garden as well as catching up with Aubrey. I got to tell her all about my bug and now she won't stop teasing me about how romantic it all is.

I never thought about our journey that way but now that she's said it I can't help but agree.

Y/N came over on Sunday and we spent a lot of time laying in the hammock or by the pool together. I love spending time with her no matter what we do and it always ends up making me smile. We didn't do anything special but she makes it special somehow.

But now it's Monday and we are headed back to the studio. I've been joining her at work a lot and I really love it. I don't think she minds, in fact I think she loves it. If we aren't in the studio with someone, mainly Harry, we are in her office.

I adore her concentrated thinking face as she types at her computer or reads over contracts. She's asked me multiple times if I get bored coming with her but I don't. I could sit there all day in silence and observe her and have the best day ever.

We've been stopping at the nearby coffee shop most mornings and there have been some pictures of us. She doesn't seem to mind or care about it and I love it. I wish I could not care so much about those things.

It's not the fact that I'm getting pictured with her, it's that I'm getting pictured at all. It always makes me nervous and self conscious.

She's really good at calming me down and making me feel comfortable though, without even trying. She does so many things for me without trying. It's one of the things that reminds me we are soulmates.

One of those things is holding my hand at all times. She rarely lets go while we are out and I love it. The simple touch makes me feel so safe and I'm thankful for it.

"Sunshine? What are you thinking about?" She breaks me out of my reflective thoughts and I look over to smile at her.

"You." I respond simply and she grins.

"You're cute." She decides and leans down to peck my lips before holding the door open for me. I greet all her employees as we see them and get comfy on her couch with my book once her door is closed.

It's not closed for long though and a shorter woman with dark hair and bright eyes walks in. I narrow my gaze as she greets my love with a sparkly smile.

"Hey, nugget." She greets and Y/N smiles, standing back up and walking around her desk to pull the woman into a hug.

"Hey, Lo. How was your flight?" Y/N asks as she squeezes before letting go and stepping away. I frown a little at her undivided attention on her and not me.

"It was good. I'm excited to get started on this thing." She comments before her head turns to make eye contact with me. "Oh hi, I'm Lauren." She greets and steps closer to me, so I get up and offer my hand. So this is the woman that my bug was sleeping with not too long ago.

"Lizzie." I respond.

"Lauren, this is my girlfriend Lizzie." Y/N introduces and Lauren smirks at Y/N.

"Girlfriend huh? Impressive Y/N." She teases before her attention is back on me. "It's wonderful to meet you." She offers and I sigh. Dammit she's nice.

"You as well...I uh. I've heard a lot about you." I offer and Lauren's smile falters a little.

"Oh." She offers and looks over to Y/N in question.

I notice the blush on my bug's cheek and smirk a little bit to myself.  "Right um. Anyway, what did you want to work on today?" Y/N prompts before kissing my cheek softly and walking back to sit at her desk. I stumble slightly when her hand slides into mine to tug me with her.

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