43 ~ Murder

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Ash: Hey sis

MK: Hey losers

Me: Wow, so sweet

Lizzie: Hi

MK: Why are you being weird?

Lizzie and I share a look and I can't help but smile.

Me: We have something to tell you.

Ash: Lizzie's pregnant?

MK: You proposed?

Me: What the fuck are y'all high?

Lizzie: Literally so extreme.

MK: Okay then what?

Lizzie: Y/N asked me to be her girlfriend.

Me: And she said yes.

MK: Damn I thought there was a romance between us Y/N

Ash: Oh shut up. Yay! I'm happy for you two. It feels like you two are finally on the same page.

Me: It really does feel like that.

Lizzie: It's not even been 24 hours and it's already wonderful.

Me: You're cute.

MK: Anyway, you know how to pick 'em Liz.

Lizzie: Uh...thank you? What does that even mean?

My eyes widen when I see the mischievous look on MK's face.

MK: Well...one of my rules is that if someone isn't a good kisser you have to break up with them. Can confirm Y/N is a great kisser.

Ash: Wait what?

Lizzie: What the fuck?

Me: Um.

Lizzie: What the hell is she talking about?

Well shit. MK really chose violence today.

Me: Well you see.

Lizzie: No you know what, we're hanging up.

Ash: Bye!

I frown when Lizzie practically throws my phone across the room, her face hard with anger. "Um, I don't really know what you want me to say?" I try but I swear it makes smoke go out of her ears.

"Explain. How does MK know anything about how you kiss?" She asks cautiously.

"Okay, this was like...years ago!" I defend myself.

"What was years ago?" She questions with narrowed eyes.

"Um...after what happened in Russia...I may have gotten drunk with MK when she showed up at my dorm to check on me and we just kissed a little. To be honest I think my drunk ass thought she was you." I try to explain lightly but I think I failed.

"You kissed my sister...in retaliation for the Russia thing...and never told me?" She asks slowly.

"Uh, yes? I mean I kind of forgot about it." I shrug and she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Wait...there was another time." I remember and she groans, her hands balling into fists.

"I think I might murder you." She mutters and I almost laugh until I see the genuine anger on her face.

"Um, please don't. I promise it was nothing." I beg.

"You kissed twice!" She yells and I wince.

"Okay yes, but it was like a fun this means nothing kind of thing." I try to explain.

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now