38 ~ Clause

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Today is the day. The day my NDA is finally over and I can be seen with Lizzie. I still get mad thinking about how Rhonda tricked me into agreeing to be Lizzie's secret girlfriend, to sign away my right to even talk about our relationship for 9 fucking years.

But it's over. I don't have to act like I don't even know who she is or that she doesn't mean the actual world to me.

And I get to see her today.

The entire plane ride I'm practically shaking with excitement.

The entire car ride to her house I'm about ready to pee myself.

When I exit the car, I run to her front door that swings open before I'm even halfway there.

I run so quickly that when I get to her, she stumbles back into her house, giggling as I pick her up and spin her around after dropping my bag.

"Bug!" She squeals, so I put her down and turn to slam the door shut before turning back to pull her into a passionate kiss.

She melts into it easily as I hold her face in my hands, hers grasping at my hips and tugging me even closer. "I missed you so much." I mutter against her lips before taking her bottom lip between mine again.

I step closer, making us both stumble around until we're falling onto the couch. We end up giggling as I lay on top of her, pushing her hair out of her face. "I missed you too, bug." She gets out through her giggles before I lean down to kiss her again.

Her soft palms rest on my cheeks to keep me close as I hug around her back, our lips pressed together in an eager yet soft kiss. I can't help but smile at the hums of pleasure escaping her mouth. She is always so vocal and I fucking love it.

I pull away to look into her sparkly green eyes but my focus is pulled to her neck, a familiar sight surprising me. "You're wearing the necklace I got you." I whisper, shifting to pinch the sunflower between my fingers, the lady bug sliding to rest on her collarbone.

"I am." She confirms, a soft smile on her lips.

"I didn't think you would still have it." I whisper, still in awe.

"I still have your journal too." She shares easily, making my eyes return to her soft gaze.

"You're adorable." I whisper and she grins so hard her eyes scrunch up. I lean to kiss her cheeks quickly to make her laugh and lean back when she gets into a giggle fit. "So...are you going to show me your world famous garden or what?" I ask and she gasps, her face lighting up even more as she tries to wiggle out from underneath me.

"Move! I gotta show you!" She squeals so I roll off of her and stand up, smiling when she grabs my hand and pulls me to the back door and out into her jungle of a garden.

I follow her around easily, smiling at her excitement and adorable rambling about each plant in her garden. I brush my thumb across her knuckles as she tugs me around, a soft smile on my lips as I observe her.

"And right here are my blueberries. They are really yummy and we can actually pick some and make a fruit salad. Do you wanna do that?" She asks, turning to me with bright eyes.

"I'd love to." I confirm before my phone vibrates. I sigh and take it out of my pocket. Unfortunately I'm back to work so this could be important.

Lizzie watches as I answer and steps closer to rest her head on my shoulder, hugging me close.

Me: This is Y/LN

Pam: Hey dumbass.

Me: Oh hey

Pam: You didn't check who was calling?

(Ten Years) ~ Elizabeth OlsenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora