" I show up for my daughter."

" You show up half assed, drunk with your money and your dick hanging..." Adrienne was cut off by a slap of his hand across.

"Watch your fucking mouth" Derek said angrily. As soon as the words came out his lips, he felt sick to his stomach.

" Get the fuck up and go do something. Over her arguing with me. I'm trying to eat damnit" Once again every word he spewed out tastes like poison.

" I should have left your ass a long time ago like my unc told me too but nah my punk ass was in love with you. Better yet you should have left like everybody else did. You do the right thing then all of sudden aint nobody cares."

At this point Derek wasn't talking to Adrienne. In fact he was nowhere near Adrienne, he was alone staring at himself in the mirror. His surroundings had warped into a different setting. There were no toys around and no scent of Adrienne's sweet perfume. He was no longer in the kitchen but in his gym, his mirrored self taunting him.

" What kind of man puts their hands on a woman? A punk ass bitch. Yeah You're a punk ass bitch Derek" Derek shouted at himself. He took a sip out of the bottle he was holding. The liquor burned as it went down.

He threw the bottle across the room, then laughed at the sight of this mess he made.

" You should have picked up the phone dummy. Now she's dead and there's nothing you can do about it. Your momma is dead and now..."

Derek suddenly woke up out of his sleep in a cold sweat. His chest burned as he tried to catch his breath. His body began to shake as he let out a cry. He had spent hours drinking his sorrows away finally passing out on his couch. His dreams were torture as he thought about had transpired between him and Adrienne. He desperately did not want to be anything like his step father, but his dreams showed a darker version of Derek.

" I need help. Momma I need help." He said out loud, contemplating where his life is going to go from here.



Adrienne opened her eyes to see a bright light shining down on her. She tried to shun her eyes away from the light but felt extremely heavy as if she was weighed down. She began to panic when she finally realized something was lodged in her throat. She then heard someone come in the room seizing her movements.

" She's awake." a lady came into her view wearing pink scrubs. " Nurse Angela, she's awake. " she hollered again.

" Oh good. Hey sweetpea, you remember me?" Nurse Angela finally came to view. Adrienne realized she was in the hospital. She wanted to speak but couldn't with the tube stuck in her throat.

" I'll go get Dr. Green. I'm sure you want this out of your mouth." Not wanting to be alone with anyone she wasn't familiar with, Adrienne grabbed onto Nurse Angela's hand and pleaded with her eyes to not to leave.

" Okay sweetie. I understand. Go get Dr. Green and her parents, quickly. Oh honey don't cry, it only makes it worse."

It was a matter of a few minutes when Dr. Green burst through the door. " How's our girl doing?" Dr. Green asked as he went to wash his hands and put fresh gloves on. " Your parents are on their way up."

" She's doing okay. She's a bit scared, that's all. I'm sure she is ready to get this breathing tube out of her throat." Nurse Angela explained as she wiped Adrienne's tears.

Soon after both Diane and Jason came into the room." Momma's here baby."

Instantly, Adrienne let go of Nurse Angela's hand and grabbed onto Diane's. Adrienne wanted to cry harder but couldn't with the breathing tube in the way. It only made her want to cough.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now