"Fuck. That hurts? She punched you like Toguro." Wendy laughing at me.

"Hahaha the twin you mean, she's short and curly too." Chu laughing too.

I can't laughed with them coz my lip stings and will definitely can't smile for days because it'll ruin the wound.

"Did you lift her skirt? Hahaha. I know your migraine sucks and you need sex but atleast be patient, Manoban." Bam guiding me to sit and giving me tissues to wipe my bleeding lip.

"No! Aw!" Fuck that hurts. Even speaking is a challenge now.

"Is it round? Nice? Bouncy? Probable for slapping?" Wendy asking stupid things.

But yeah, she hits all the right words.

I just looked at her snorting.

"Manoban, Manoban. She will kill you in an instant the next time." Chu checking my head. Now, I'm dizzy.

She will and I'll start to pray to all the Gods and the new for us, not to cross paths again.


"Hi, Miss. This is Lisa Manoban."

Chu introducing me to my professor. They brought me to my class, I'm still not okay since the punch.

"Is she mute?" The professor asked looking at me.

Wendy burst out laughing, "And moron."

I'm covering my mouth as I try to hide my busted lip.

"No, Miss. She had an accident. She shoves her face on the floor and fell down on a couple flight of stairs. She's somewhat kind of a dumb." Chu smiling at me.

I sighed. It's better this way. Than saying I was punched by a girl.

I nod.

"Are you ok then? Do you need to go to the clinic?"

I send her a sign that I'm fine.

"And you are also the student who went on medical leave, correct?"

I nod.

"Alright, leave her." She told Chu and the rest. "Miss Manoban, you can take that seat." She pointed a chair with a bag on it.

I nod and approached my chair.

I carefully moved the bag to the seat next to me.


Must be the owner's initials in a pink keychain attached to the tote.

Weirdly, I suddenly felt chills. I pull out my hood and put in my head.

I continue to clean my wound when I hear someone says...



Jennie POV

I squinted my eyes at the figure of a tall girl head down sitting next to mine.

Professor must have noticed me standing too long staring at the girl probably doing her make up.

"Ms. Kim, that's Ms. Manoban. She was out for a week due to medical reason." I nod and proceed to my seat.

Manoban? I must've heard it somewhere. Earlier?


I greet her. She's wearing the same university jacket as I do but her hood is over her head.

She didn't respond that fast and kind of hesitant. She slowly lifts her head.

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