(35) Perspective

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Xavier's POV

I blink a couple times as I stare blankly up at the plain high ceiling. I've been up for quite sometime now, around a few hours, ebbing away on different waves of emotions and thoughts that dare enters my mind.

My life feels like it's gonna crash and burn any minute now. Worse part is that I'm not even close to finding a solution to the problems now piling up on me.

I've been feeling so shitty and frankly useless these past days, even though I'm still meeting with this square ass therapist twice per week, more so frequently over the past week. According to him, I'm making progress but I somewhat disagree.

Sure, I'm no longer bitching about my deceased father but that's only because that initial period of mourning has already gone. Presently, now, all of other my issues seem to be progressively coalescing into one massive nightmare.

I smack my lips as the conversation with Dasha makes it way to the forefront of my mind. That bitch has been threatening to to embark on a lengthy publicity tour with the intention to smear my reputation by spreading false propaganda and exposing my family for a quick buck. Several quick bucks actually.

She has been really relentless in her demands over the last few days. Classic shakedown. This shit isn't even about seeing her niece anymore, it's solely about the green. Her intention now is to leech off me for the rest of her life by holding this "news worthy" information over my head.

No worries though, I did put my P.I and lawyers on the case a day or two ago. That shit should die down in a bit.

She needs to go back to rehab 'cause she's clearly crazy as fuck!

I still haven't mention any of this stuff to Zoey and I'm not a hundred percent sure if I should either. I don't want her to have to worry about this shit too.

"Damn," I mutter as I wet my lips gulping on dry air. Zoey. My heartbeat instantaneously increase at the mere thought of her.

Even though, I've mostly been in Cali for the past week, I haven't really seen Zoey since that party. I just purposefully haven't. I'm honestly itching to pull up and spend time with them both but I choose to stay put. Alone. In this huge ass mansion that I bought weeks ago. 

I scoff at my dumbass decision. I was so caught up and fucking hopefully in fixing shit that I went ahead and out do myself again. Now look at me...

We've talked and continue to talk via FaceTime but it's just not the same as being present. I am being careful not to comment on the shit I see going on over there. That man practically lives at the home now where my son lays his fucking head! I'm angry as fuck but I'm letting it slide. I'm chillin'. All I can do is think rationally and watch from a distance along with the surveillance team I have secretly patrolling her place.

Troy has been laying low out in Arizona. Apparently he's been out there watering cactuses and pretending to be a wholesome goofy dude. What a fucking clown! That motherfucker is just waiting on a opportunity to bite back and get his pound of flesh. That's why I'm trying to keep that bitch from publicizing my family. These online investigators are quick to  dox your private info online. I can't have that, especially for Tyler's sake. All the other shit doesn't matter. I never did anything foul as she claims I did.

I just want my kid to live a normal life or as normal as it can get. He shouldn't be caught up in this shit.

The pungent smell of cigars and booze circulating the living room slowly waft up my nostrils bringing me back to reality. To the present.

I drag a hand down my face letting out a loud sigh. I really need to get back to Seattle within a day or two to smooth things over with the Board again and check in on my other businesses before we leave the country this weekend.

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