23- Normal

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Peter picks Scott up once again, only to throw him against another wall. These two have been fighting for about five minutes now, neither one giving up. I flinch when Peter picks Scott up by the head and pins him against a wall. Scott runs towards another wall with Peter's hands still on his head and manages to run up the wall to gain enough momentum to throw Peter against the wall instead.

Peter drops to the floor. With two punches to the chest, Peter is lifted back up on his feet. This is getting crazy. Scott is thrown against the wall, slamming into the ground. Liam grabs my hand, trying to lead me to a safer spot than where we are standing in the middle of the room. Malia and Stiles were smart by hiding by different pillars.

Suddenly, Liam wraps both arms around me and forces me to crouch down on the ground. I scream when I catch a glimpse of the wooden rack flying over our heads. The rack breaks into pieces after colliding into the pillar close to us. Peter growls at the two of us.

Something in Scott must have cracked because he walks right up to Peter, easily dodging every punch sent in his direction. Liam and I climb to our feet, darting to another pillar that we can partially stand behind. With a super punch, Peter flies across the room, landing on some wooden racks.

Scott jumps on top of some table. "You were never an Alpha, Peter, but you were always a monster." Scott jumps down from the table, his fist swinging down to punch Peter in the face.

The rest of us slowly come out of our hiding spots when we realize that Peter was knocked unconscious. Scott straightens up.

This is just another reason that proves that Scott is really a true Alpha. He could have killed Peter, much like Peter had originally planned on doing to him, but Scott didn't do it. He didn't do it.

The sun has started to rise as we finally made our way out of the church. All of us exhausted and just ready to sleep for days. Knowing Peter would be unconscious for a long time, we figured we'd meet up with Derek and Braeden until we decide on what to do next.

I squint at the much brighter lighting, once we step out of the church. Surprisingly, there was more people that joined up with Derek and Braeden than I thought. The Calaveras, Chris, and even Jordan were outside waiting for us to come out.

Parrish was quick to run to my aid, lifting me up in his arms for a hug. I hadn't expected him to come all the way down to Mexico. He's still new to this supernatural world, after all. I was even more surprised when Parrish had nodded to Liam in thanks, probably his way of saying thank you for taking care of my cousin.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back." Chris says to Scott and Kira. "But be careful."

Liam and I stand off to the side, along with Malia and Stiles. We had watched the Calaveras go back inside of the church to retrieve Peter. They had also injected him with yellow wolfsbane to keep him knocked out.

"You're really going with them?" Scott asks.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you alone. All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate."

"What if you can't?" Kira asks a very important question.

"I'll find her. Someone has to." Chris walks away from them, the rest of the Calaveras joining him.

All of us push off of the wall to join our two friends.

"Not bad for a couple of teenagers." I say with a small chuckle. "We make a good team."

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