20- Game

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"If you don't stop bouncing your leg up and down, I'm going to tear it off with my bare hands." Malia leans over on the bleachers a little, just enough to have her arm press against mine. Her face is still facing towards the lacrosse field.

The bouncing of my leg ceases immediately. "You're in a chipper mood." I look back at the bench, where Stiles and Liam are getting the rest of their gear on for the lacrosse game against Devenford Prep. "I'm just a little nervous."

Malia gives me a side eye. "Really? I haven't noticed."

I press my lips together, guiltly. "Sorry."

Malia straightens back up. "Not that I really care that much, but what's wrong?"

I half shrug my shoulders. "I just feel weird that Scott's not here. I mean, the full moon is tomorrow. He should be here to help keep an eye on Liam- and me."

"I can handle you." Malia states with a small scoff.

"You can handle a cheetah and a lynx?" I ask her in slight disbelief. Who could actually. "I don't even want to see me tomorrow night." I lean forward, resting my chin on my fist.

I tune out everything around us; the talking in the bleachers, Coach prepping his players, and just focus on Stiles and Liam. I narrow my eyes on the two of them, finally able to hear the words that come out of their mouths.

"They're still not here." Liam points out.

Stiles looks agitated as Liam says this. "Okay, what's really going on? Are you nervous about the full moon? It's not for another twenty four hours. Liam, you're gonna be fine. Okay? Just try not to rage out on anyone."

Liam raises his head to look up at Stiles and away from his gloves. "You're not worried?"

"Okay, I'm mildly concerned." Stile spulls out his cell phone. "Mildly."

Liam sighs. "We're gonna lose without him."

"No, we're not. We can be just as good without Scott. Okay? I've been practicing. Let me tell you something. I'm getting good. Really good."

I scrunch up my face. There's no way that they can do this. Not that I don't have faith in Liam, but I know that if he's this nervous, he won't have his head fully in the game. And Stiles isn't the greatest player. I think we all know that. I honestly don't see how he could have been practicing when we've all been trying to find out who the Benefactor was. We've had no time.

I side glance at Mr. Stilinski, who found a seat on the other side of Malia. I want to believe that everything is back to normal. That we are all just normal teenagers in high school, but I knew that life was over when I woke up alive when my parents were dead. That life is forever gone.

The players run out to the field, ready for the game to start. I shift in my seat, watching Liam carefully. "You got this, Liam." I mumble under my breath, knowing full well that he can hear me. As if on cue, Liam's head snaps in my direction, a hint of a smile hidden under his helmet.

The referree blows his whistle and the game begins. Stiles somehow manages to fall on the ground in attempt to get the ball. I raise my brows at Malia while he is rolling around. She can honestly say she's not worried. Mr. Stilinski sighs and shakes his head.

Several minutes later, and many points scored by Devenford Prep, Stiles has managed to be tackled three times and we've scored no points. My face falls forward in my hands. We need Scott.

Liam and Stiles plop back down on the bench by the field. Stiles' phone is back in his hand with a slightly worried look on his face. He quickly replaces it with a more calmer look before Liam can see.

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