Chapter 41

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When I got to the kitchen, I saw Shoji in the kitchen cooking dinner. Honestly, I didn't know he could cook. "I didn't know you could cook." I told him when I walked up to him.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." he told me with a smirk, seeing as how he wasn't wearing his mask.

"I'm sure. Oh, you won't believe who texted me." I told him as I walked over to him to help him.

I saw him turn his head to me, "who?" he asked me.

"Bakugou texted me, asking me for help." I told him with a smirk.

"Help with what?" he asked me.

"Help with a girl, apparently this girl flirted with him and he was wanting my advice on what to do, so I told him to compliment her." I told him.

"Wow, who knew that Bakugou actually needed help with a girl? I kinda figured he'd ask Kirishima, but then again, you have more experience since you used to help your friends." I told Kayda.

I saw her nodding her head and we continued making dinner. Once we finished, we both heard her phone going off, probably Bakugou calling her. "Bet you anything that's Bakugou calling me to tell me that it most likely backfired on him." Kayda said as she walked to her room.

I rolled my eyes and I saw her walking out with her phone on speaker. "Hold on Bakugou, I have you on speaker. Shoji and I just finished making dinner." Kayda said as she placed her phone on the counter.

"Okay, now back up and tell me what happened?" Kayda asked Bakugou.

"After you texted me to compliment her, I complimented her, and the next thing I know, she asked me out on a date!" Bakugou yelled through the phone.

Kayda and Shoji looked at each other with surprise. "Wow, honestly, that's never happened to any of my friends before. Whenever they had a guy flirting with them and when they complimented them, they never went on date until maybe a few weeks later." Kayda said with shock.

"Well, I think it worked too well, cuz she gave me her number and asked me out on a date! What the hell do I do?" he asked Kayda.

"Well, did you say yes when she asked you?" Kayda asked him.

"I was too stunned to even say anything, but she thinks I said yes!" Bakugou told her.

"Okay, save her number and ask her where you're going for your date." Kayda told him.

Kayda and Shoji waited for a few minutes as Bakugou saved Ama's number and texted her. When she texted Bakugou back, Bakugou went back to the call. "She said it's a simple date, going to the park kind of date." he told Kayda.

Kayda thought for a moment, "okay, do you have any casual kind of clothes?" Kayda asked him.

"Yeah." he said.

"Pick out some casual clothes and ask her when to meet up." Kayda told Bakugou.

"Okay. Don't you two dare tell anyone about this!" Bakugou told both Kayda and Shoji.

"We won't, we promise. By the way, what's the girl's name?" Kayda asked Bakugou.

"Her name's Amaterasu, but she goes by Ama." Bakugou told Kayda.

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