Chapter 16

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After a few days of our internships, it was time to go home. We packed all our things and started heading out the front door. I stopped and put my stuff down. I needed to ask Kaori something. I told Shoji I would meet him at the train station. He looked hesitant for a second, but nodded his head and left for the train station. I went up to Kaori. "Kaori?" I asked him. He turned to me and asked what's wrong.

"Can you tell my family in America that I'm fine, and I'm safe here in Japan. And tell my sisters Jean and Amy to call me so I can tell them about Shoji?" I asked. He nodded his head and hugged me and told me to get going.

I then left for the train station. As soon as I got there, I saw Shoji. I ran up to him and he formed a mouth that smiled at me. "I stopped by a vendor stand and got you some gyozas, a little snack on our way back to the school and the dorms." he said. I smiled and hugged him.

"AWE!" I then broke from the hug seeing Mina and Kirishima staring at us in awe.

"That was so manly Shoji!" Kirishima said. I saw him blush under his mask, I blushed as well.

"So how was your internships?" I asked them as we waited for the rest of our class.

"It was good, we saw you on the news. It was so cool when you defeated the Hero Killer without harming him. How'd you do it?" Mina said.

"Oh, I learned these hand movements from a friend who came from China to America as an exchange student." I said.

"Wow, that's so awesome, you're gonna have to teach me those moves!" Kirishima said, putting his fist in the air all pumped up.

"Sure, sounds good." I said. I looked back at Shoji and I thought I saw him getting a little bit jealous. I mean I only knew him for a few weeks. I brushed it off though when I saw the rest of our class. I saw Bakugou with his hair all laid back.

"PFFT OMG BAKUGOU WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!?!" Kirishima and I said while laughing.

"UGH SHUT UP YOU DAMN MULTI QUIRK FREAK AND SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR! I CAN'T GET MY DAMN HAIR TO GO BACK!" he said as his hair went back to normal from yelling at the both of us.

"There you go." Kirshima said laughing. Bakugou gave a small 'tch' noise. After a few minutes, our bus pulled up and we all got in. I sat at the back with Shoji happily eating my gyozas.

I offered him one but he shook his head. I however didn't give up. I gave him my best wolf puppy dog eyes and he cracked. He sighed and took the gyoza and fed it to his mouth tentacle. I smiled and continued eating, occasionally offering him a gyoza. After a few hours, we finally arrived at the school dorms. I however fell asleep from eating the gyozas and the internships. I felt Shoji lift me up and carry me in his many arms.

Today was the day we went back to school and the dorms. We packed our stuff and headed for the door. D stopped and told me that she would meet me at the train station. I was hesitant, but I agreed. As I was walking to the train station, I saw a vendor selling gyozas. I stopped there and bought some for D, just in case she got hungry on the way back.

I arrived at the train station, I found a place to stand and went over and stood there. A few minutes later, I heard D, I looked over at her and she came over. I grew a mouth and said "I stopped by to get you some gyozas, a little snack on our way back to the school and the dorms." She hugged me after I said that. I hugged her back.

"AWE!" we both heard Mina and Kirishima say at the same time looking at us in awe. D broke from the hug.

"That was so manly Shoji." Kirishima said to me. I saw D blushing when she noticed I was blushing under my mask.

"So how was your internships?" D asked them both as we were waiting for our class.

"It was good, we saw you on the news. It was so cool how you defeated the Hero Killer without hurting him. How'd you do it?" Mina said. I was also wondering how D did that move on the Hero Killer.

"Oh, I learned these hand movements from a friend who came from China to America as an exchange student." D said.

"Wow, that's so awesome, you're gonna have to teach me those moves!" Kirishima said, putting his fist in the air getting all pumped up.

"Sure, sounds good." D said. I could feel myself getting jealous. Why am I getting jealous, I only knew her for a few weeks. I tried to brush it off, but it still lingered in my head. We then saw the rest of our classmates. Bakugou had his hair completely laid down and smooth.

"PFFT OMG BAKUGOU WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!?!" D and Kirishima said while laughing.

"UGH SHUT UP YOU DAMN MULTI QUIRK FREAK AND SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR! I CAN'T GET MY DAMN HAIR TO GO BACK!" Bakugou yelled while his hair went back. I'm not gonna lie, I got a little mad at him when he called D 'multi quirk freak' it made me wanna hurt him calling her that. I knew I was protective of her, but the jealousy still lingered in my mind.

"There you go." Kirishima said while laughing. After a few minutes, we saw our bus. We got on the bus and I sat in the back with D who was happily eating her gyozas.

D offered me one of her gyozas. She needed to eat them more than I did, so I shook my head no. However that didn't stop her. I looked at her again, and she had the cutest wolf puppy dog eyes ever. How could I say no to that? Yes I cracked. She handed me one smiling and I fed it to my mouth tentacle. She smiled and continued eating, occasionally offering me another one.

After a few hours, we arrived at the school dorms. D on the other hand was fast asleep. Probably from both the internships and the gyozas. I picked her up and carried her in my many arms. I quietly asked Kirishima if he could open the door. He did so and I walked to the third floor. I got to her dorm and opened her door with another hand tentacle. I laid her down in her bed.

As I was getting ready to leave, D stopped me in her sleep by grabbing my arm. I looked at her and smiled under my mask. I shut her door with another hand and laid down next to her and held her closer to me. I softly petted her head as she slept. I felt my eyes getting heavy and a few seconds later, I was asleep holding D in my arms.

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