Chapter 21

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It was the next day and we got the news who passed or not. Sato, Kaminari, Mina, Kirishima, and Sero did not pass and the rest of us did. I sighed in relief. It was now officially summer break. Mr. Aizawa said that if we wanted to, we could use the school pool for training, or something. But knowing the girls, they're gonna use it for fun. Then again, I would too.

"Ugh, I have nothing to do for the summer." Mina groaned out. That's when I had an idea.

"Hey, how bout we use the school pool?" I suggested. The girls looked at me with huge grins. I heard footsteps coming behind me, and I turned and I saw Deku behind me.

"Oh hey Deku, what's up?" I asked him.

"W-well I heard that you guys were going to the school pool, and I was wondering if we could join you?"

I then looked up and I saw all the guys behind him looking at us. But the way Shoji was looking at Deku when was talking to me, kinda made me think. Is it just me or is Shoji getting jealous when Deku or Kirishima talks to me? I thought. I then snapped out of my thoughts when Mina snapped her fingers behind me. "Uhh yeah, sorry I didn't answer, I kinda zoned out for a minute." I said while rubbing the back of neck out of embarrassment.

"Hey don't sweat it, it's fine, and thanks." Kirishima said smiling.

"So do you guys just wanna meet up at the pool or something?" Uraraka asked.

"Yeah, we could meet up at the pool." Deku said. So that was the plan. The girls and I went to our rooms while the boys went to their rooms as well to grab some extra pair of clothes. We did the same thing but went ahead and changed into our swimsuits. We then headed to the school pool and put our stuff down.

The girls decided to stretch while I just went ahead and jumped in the pool. I was swimming for a little bit, when I heard the girls greeting the guys. I came up for air and I held onto the edge of the pool because I was in the deep part, and I felt myself bout to have a nosebleed. They were all shirtless and in swim trunks, but the only one that stood out was Shoji.

He looked so hot shirtless and just wearing swim trunks. I accidentally let go of the edge and swear I could hear Ave say something, but I was underwater, so it was muffled. I managed to grab onto the ledge again, and raised a thumbs up letting her know I'm good. "Well what was that for?" she asked me.

"I let go, is what happened." I said sarcastically.

She just shook her head and I had an idea. I decided to freak out everyone except for Ave because she knows I do this a lot when I'm in a pool. I took a deep breath and I went underwater. I started swimming without coming up for air and I could hear everyone except for Ave freaking out. When I got to the shallow end, I came up for a breath of air. Everyone but Ave looked at me with shock, including Shoji. "How did you swim without coming up for air?" Yaoyorozu asked me.

"I swim in pools a lot, and I practice doing this so if I need to get away from someone if I'm underwater, I could swim fast enough without coming up for air." I said.

"That is a pretty smart idea, if you do need to get away without being caught, you could do that." Tokoyami said.

After freaking them out, everyone got into the pool and we played around. I was mostly trying to stay away from Shoji because I did not wanna have a nosebleed from looking at him shirtless and him start worrying. But every time I tried, he'd always be either in front of me, behind me, or right beside me on either side. I suddenly felt the urge to go to the bathroom, so I got out of the pool and headed to the bathroom.

Another reason I left, was because Shoji would never dare to walk into a girls bathroom unless he were to stop Mineta from walking in on me. I went to one of the stalls and I covered my face as I felt myself blushing. I tried so hard not to blush when I was around Shoji. I now knew Shoji for a few months. And I'm pretty sure that I was starting to form a crush on him. As I was in the stall I heard Mineta talking. Then I heard Shoji walking in. My blush grew darker.

I was trying to stay near D as much as possible after the little stunt she pulled. When she went underwater and didn't come back up, I was ready to jump in, but when I saw her come back up, I then knew that I was definitely getting very protective of her.

I saw D get out of the pool and I saw her heading for the bathroom. I then watched as Mineta looked around making sure that nobody was watching him, but I was watching him, he got out of the pool and headed for the girls bathroom. I growled under my mask and I got out of the pool and followed him.

"Now which stall are you in D?" I heard Mineta mumble to himself. I then walked in, knowing that the girls bathroom was a no man's land, and Mineta certainly had no right to come in here.

"Ahh, I found you." I head him say. I then grabbed him and dragged him out the girls bathroom.

"You have no right walking into a girls bathroom while a girl is in there." I growled at Mineta. He then squeaked and ran away from me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as D walked out, only something was different, she was blushing like a tomato for some reason. But when I saw her in her swimsuit, I felt a blush growing underneath my mask. I now knew D for a few months, and I feel like my feelings for her are growing more and more.

"Ahh I found you D." I heard Mineta say. I squeaked quietly. I couldn't hear anything and I looked up expecting to see Mineta's perverted look, but I saw nothing. I peeked my head out a little bit through the stall door and I saw Shoji dragging Mineta away from the bathroom.

I then heard him say "You have no right walking into a girls bathroom while a girl is in there." I put my head back inside the stall and I finished my business.

I was actually thankful that Shoji did that, otherwise Mineta would've seen my blush and so would Shoji. That was a very close call. I then washed my hands and walked out the bathroom with the blush still visibly on my face. I looked at Shoji and I felt him looking at me. My blush was starting to grow even more. "T-thanks Shoji for stopping Mineta." I said in a semi-squeaky voice.

"Your welcome, he had no right walking in on you while you were doing your business." He said.

After the little Mineta incident, we went back to having good ol fun. Although Mineta made sure to stay away from Shoji. It was funny when he swam away from him.

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