Chapter 33

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Aizawa, Shoji and Kayda walked out of the dorms and walked from UA to the bus stop. Once they got there, the bus pulled up and asked where they wanted to go. "We would like to go to Hokkaido." Aizawa told the bus driver who then nodded as the three got onto the bus and found their seats.

It was a good bit of a drive from UA to Hokkaido so Aizawa, Shoji and Kayda talked for a little bit. "I am proud of you Shoji for overcoming your shyness and asking Kayda out as I am proud of you Kayda for also trying for once. Ojiro told me what happened the other day, and the police already have him in custody.

He did not deny anything to what the police asked him, so he's being sent back to the U.S where he will be back where he belongs and the Americans will deal with him." Aizawa told Kayda.

Kayda looked down from what he said, which caused Shoji and Aizawa to look at her with concern. "Kayda? What's wrong?" Shoji asked her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and rubbed her arm gently.

Kayda looked up at Shoji, her voice was quiet, but not too quiet so both of them couldn't hear her, "they won't do anything, Americans never do anything. They only care about themselves.

When there's one person in jail, he'll most likely get bailed out and he will come back, because of the president that's in office is such a dumbass, but he's not my president and he never will be. (A/N: hope you guys know who I'm talking about) That's why I left, because I couldn't take it anymore. And when I came here to Japan, I was shocked by how different Japan was from the US. But it made me feel better knowing that people here actually cared about others." Kayda told both of them.

This honestly took Aizawa by surprise, he's never heard Kayda talk bad about any form of government, much less across the world. "I am going to admit, I've never heard you talk bad about any form of government, but I do understand where you're coming from. I hear what happens over there.

And I'm glad that you left that place and came here, I know Ojiro is glad to have you back in his life. Along with Shoji, you have people here who love and care about you very much, never forget that." Aizawa told Kayda which made her smile at his words and laid her head against Shoji's chest.

Shoji smiled under his mask as well from what Aizawa told Kayda, he was glad that Kayda is here and not over there. Honestly, he hopes that they will never have to go over there, for any reason.

Kayda soon fell asleep against Shoji's chest and Shoji just held her in his arms. After talking, the rest of the journey was silent, but it was a good silence. After about an hour and a half, they finally arrived in Hokkaido. Shoji gently woke Kayda up who woke up yawning very cutely that gave Shoji warmth.

They soon got off the bus and headed to Hokkaido. Aizawa paid for their entrances and they soon walked out of the building and headed for the flower fields. Kayda was in awe, she's never seen so many flowers in bloom at once. She loved it, a lot. But she loved it even more that she was here with Shoji.

While Shoji and Kayda were enjoying their little date, Aizawa stayed off to the side so they could enjoy their day. After a few minutes, Kayda walked up to Aizawa holding her phone, "could you take a picture of Shoji and I in front of the flower fields?" she asked him. Aizawa nodded and he held up her phone as he watched Kayda run back down to Shoji where they faced each other, holding hands and looked at each other with smiles.

Aizawa then took the picture of the two and Kayda and Shoji came running up to him to see the picture. Kayda smiled and hugged Mr. Aizawa. "Thank you for coming with us to Hokkaido." she said. Aizawa chuckled and he hugged her back and she soon broke the hug.

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