Chapter 18

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I didn't even realize what the time was, it was way past 12:00 am, it was like 2 in the morning. Shoji was still wake, the others went to bed. Thing was, I didn't feel like getting up and I fell asleep on the couch next to Shoji. I could feel his arms wrap around me and I could feel him lift me up.

I heard his footsteps heading upstairs and I heard the sound of a door opening, probably my door. He laid me down and he laid right next to me. I was sleeping soundly in his arms.

I looked at the time and it was 2 in the morning. I felt D's head lay on my shoulder and I looked at her and saw that she was asleep. I smiled under my mask and I wrapped my arms around her. I then lifted her up and carried her upstairs.

I thought about taking her to her room, but I didn't want her to be lonely and scared, not after we just watched IT Chapter 2. She said she was fine watching it, but when I looked at her, I saw her face full of fear. So I took her to my room. I opened my door and laid her down on my bed. I then laid down next to her and I held her in my arms. I then fell asleep holding her in my arms.

While D and Shoji were asleep, D started to have another nightmare, this time about her parents, her siblings, her entire Creed family dying in front of her. D started shaking violently waking Shoji up. Shoji looked at her with a very worried look and started shaking her shoulders trying to wake her up.

D could feel Shoji shaking her to wake her up, but she felt like she was trapped in her nightmare, was this because of someone's quirk, or was it because of her demon that she was born with trying to get a message through her about her family.

"D, I need you to listen to me, this is your demon that you were born with speaking to you. Tomura Shigaraki is planning on killing your family and your classmates. What ever you do, you need to stop him." her demon said.

"Wait I never knew your name, and why are you helping me?" D said.

"My name is Mara Kanda Creed. And the reason why I'm helping you is because, I am your uncle Satan's unborn daughter. I was never given a chance to live and be with Damien and Avery, so I went to go find a body and I found you. I entered your body while you were still an unborn baby and I am now apart of you. And I want to protect my family just as much as you do." Mara said.

D couldn't believe her ears, this was her unborn cousin. Who was living inside of her. "I can't believe this, why didn't Satan tell me?" D repeating the words Mara said to her in her head.

"He didn't want you to freak out, course now I think you are, but whatever you do, you must stop Tomura Shigaraki before he can kill our family. Understand?" D nodded her head and she soon left her nightmare.

D woke up with a gasp. Shoji was relieved that she finally woke up. "Are you ok, what happened?" Shoji asked D. She then explained everything to him about what happened in her nightmare. Shoji's eyes went wide, he couldn't believe what he just heard. After a few minutes of silence, Shoji finally spoke.

"Well then, I guess we're gonna have to prevent that from happening, but did she say when it was gonna happen?"

D shook her head. "She never said, all she said was to make sure that my nightmare doesn't come true. The reason why I have those dreams is because of her, she has the ability to show me what's gonna happen in the future so I can stop it from coming true, and so far, the dreams I had had never come true, because I stopped them from happening, except for the death of my parents and my best friend." D said.

Shoji nodded his head. "We should go back to sleep, Mr. Aizawa said there's something he wants to say to us in the morning when we get to school." D nodded and they fell back asleep.

When I was comfy where I was, I started having another nightmare, but this time it was about my parents, my siblings, my whole entire family dying in front of me. I started shaking violently and woke Shoji up while doing so. I could feel him shake my shoulders trying to wake me up. But I felt like I was trapped in my nightmare.

Suddenly, I heard a voice. "D, I need you to listen to me, this is your demon that you were born with speaking to you. Tomura Shigaraki is planning on killing your family and your classmates. What ever you do, you need to stop him." my demon said.

"Wait I never knew your name, and why are you helping me?" I said.

"My name is Mara Kanda Creed. And the reason why I'm helping you is because, I am your uncle Satan's unborn daughter. I was never given a chance to live and be with Damien and Avery, so I went to find a body and I found you. I entered your body while you were still an unborn baby and now I'm apart of you. And I want to protect my family just as much as you do." Mara said.

I couldn't believe my ears, this was my unborn cousin. Who was living inside me?! "I can't believe this, why didn't Satan tell me this?" I asked while repeating the words Mara said to me in my head.

"He didn't want you to freak out, course right now I think you are, but whatever you do, you must stop Tomura Shigaraki before he can kill our family. Understand?" I nodded my head and I soon left my nightmare.

I then woke with a gasp and I looked at Shoji who was relieved that I finally woke up. "Are you ok, what happened?" Shoji asked me. I then explained to him what all happened in my nightmare. After I finished explaining, his eyes went wide, as if he couldn't believe what I said. After a few minutes of silence, he finally spoke.

"Well then, I guess we're gonna have to prevent that from happening, but did she say when it was gonna happen?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "She never said, all she said was to make sure that my nightmare doesn't come true. The reason why I have those dreams is because of her, she has the ability to show me what's gonna happen in the future so I can stop it from coming true, and so far, I stopped them from happening, except for the death of my parents and my best friend." I said.

Shoji nodded his head. "We should go back to sleep, Mr. Aizawa said there's something he wants to us in the morning when we get to school." I nodded my head and went back to sleep.

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