Chapter 23

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It was the next day and it was the first day to start training. We had to train our quirks. Bakugou had to put his hands in some kind of liquid and channel his sweat to his hands for long distance explosions. Todoroki had to sit in a barrel full of water and use his fire and ice. Sato had to eat sugar to increase his immense power and Yaoyorozu had to increase her ability to make more things from the lipids in her body.

Mina had to use her acid to melt anything faster and Jiro had to use her jacks to increase her quirk. Shoji had to increase the amount of limbs by listening for Hagakure as she practices her stealth. Mineta had to grab as many balls on his head without bleeding. Sero had to increase the amount of tape he can make, Iida had to increase his speed in his leg, Uraraka had to be in a ball and float around in it as the ball bounces without getting sick.

Tsu had to do what a frog does more than she normally does, Deku had to do something with Tiger for his quirk. Kaminari had to electrocute himself to a toaster without going brain dead, Kirishima and Ojiro trained together as Kirishima used his hardening while Ojiro repeatedly hit him with his tail. Koda had to scream to the top of his lungs for the animals to have a longer effect. Aoyama had to use his navel laser more often so he doesn't get a stomach ache and Tokoyami had to call on Dark Shadow in the dark while trying to gain control of him.

I saw class 1B and they did not look like they were ready for this at all. I had to only work on my elemental quirks. I don't use my elemental quirks that much, but I need to. So I sat down on the ground and used my fire powers to try and set everything but myself and others on fire. The first time I tried, I almost burned Shoji and Hagakure. The second time, I managed to burn some grass but I caught on fire. And the third time, I managed to set everything but everyone and myself ablaze.

I then had to call it back and it worked. I then had to use my earth powers to regrow what I just set on fire. The first time, a little bit of grass grew but then shriveled up. The second time, more grass grew but again shriveled up. I put my hardest to my third time and I managed to finally regrow what I just set ablaze without having anything growing on everyone.

I took a deep breath because this was kinda making me light headed. I could feel everyone looking in my direction as I was practicing my elemental quirks. Today I had to practice my elemental quirks over here, but tomorrow I had to go to the forest in a clearing and do what I did today. The next one I had to practice was my water quirk. I had to make a huge water bubble and pop it without water exploding everywhere. The first time it almost exploded everywhere if not for the fact that I called the water back.

The second time, a little bit exploded, but not too much. The third time, the water fell to the ground in front of me as I popped the water bubble. I now had to work on my wind quirk. I had to make a wind that surrounds me masking me from everyone else. First time, it only surrounded my feet. Second time, it surrounded my lower body. Final time, I surrounded myself and nobody could see me. I made the wall of wind disappear.

I then had to work on freezing everything but myself and others, just like my fire quirk. First try, I almost froze everyone including me. But on my second try, I managed to freeze everything but the others and me. I will admit, it was freezing. I then melted the ice and again used my earth powers to regrow everything. Now for my light quirk, that's where I float higher and higher. I have to levitate just a few feet off the ground. Mr. Aizawa recommended someone to be with me while I used my light quirk.

I asked Shoji and Hagakure if it was alright if they could be with me to make sure I wouldn't float off into space while they practiced and they agreed. Shoji was beside me while also using his quirk to try and listen for Hagakure while she was trying to stay out of his hearing shot. On my first try, I literally almost floated away if it weren't for Shoji grabbing me with his long dupli-arms. On my second try, I levitated a little bit before going up even higher than I was supposed to, thankfully Shoji stopped me just in time. And on my third try, I finally managed to levitate just a few feet off the ground.

I thanked Shoji for helping me out and he just nodded his head. Now I just needed to work on my dark quirk that makes me go flying through the air which eventually makes me crash. This is what worried me. I took another deep breath and I used my dark quirk and I started flying through the air. I saw I was about to crash into a tree and I managed to dodge it. I continued this for a solid 3 minutes.

After that, I teleported back to the training grounds. It was almost sunset, we've been doing this for the entire day. I was dead beat, but then I remembered we had to fix our own food. I asked Shoji, Tokoyami and Ave if they could help me and they nodded their heads. I got the fire going. Shoji cut the food. Tokoyami made sure the food was well cooked, and Ave prepared the food. After a few minutes, dinner was ready and we ate. After eating we went to bed.

Tomorrow night, we had to a test of courage where we would be in teams of two. We went ahead and picked and the teams are; Shoji and I, Tokoyami and Ave, Jiro and Hagakure, Tsu and Uraraka, Todoroki and Bakugou, Koda and Iida, Aoyama and Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and Mineta, and Deku was alone. But I had a feeling something was gonna wrong tomorrow night.

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