Chapter 15

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It was the next day and we had to train our quirks so we can figure out new ways to use them. I got up before Shoji and I went to the bathroom and got dressed into my black cloak with a purple belt and purple leggings and long back boots. I felt being comfy while testing out my quirks today, I got out of the bathroom and I saw Shoji sitting on my bed.

"Morning Shoji." I said with a smile.

"Morning, did you sleep better?" he asked me. I nodded my head.

"Hey thanks for putting up with me last night, I haven't had that kind of nightmare in a while, and normally that means something bad is gonna happen. I just hope it doesn't come true." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

Shoji got up and hugged me. "As I said last night, I will always be here with you, and that will never change, and so will some of our classmates." he said smiling under his mask. I smiled back and he let go and went to his room and got dressed as well. I waited for him, and when I saw him walk out of his room, we both went downstairs and saw Kaori waiting for us.

"Morning you two, now what do you want for breakfast?"

We thought for a moment before saying some bacon and eggs. "Bacon and eggs coming right up. Just sit at the table and they'll be ready in a few minutes ok?" we nodded our heads and sat at the table. After a few minutes, Kaori served us bacon and eggs. We then ate and started talking about some random things. I then started thinking about how everyone's internships were going.

After eating, we went to the back. "Ok, now I want one of you to try and fight me. Kay?" we nodded. I went first and I snapped my fingers and made myself invisible. I then muted my movements so he wouldn't hear me sneaking behind him. I could tell both of them were shocked on how I did that. I came up behind Kaori and I turned visible but kept my movements muted and I lunged at him.

He fell to the ground with a grunt and I sat on him. Shoji looked at me in surprise and Kaori wiggled under me. I then unmuted my movements and got off of him pulling him to his feet. "That was a pretty nice move right there, the way you turned invisible and somehow muted your movements was a pretty smart idea." Kaori said.

"Well that's actually one of my tactics of getting the angle on people, I used it a lot back at New York."

"Well sounds like you had a lot of practice. Ok now it's your turn Tentacole." Shoji nodded and he got into an offensive position. I watched both of them staring at each other seeing who was going to make the first move. A second later, Shoji used his many arms and started fighting against Kaori. Kaori was trying his best to block his attacks. A few minutes later, Shoji had Kaori pinned to the ground. I whistled and was impressed.

"Wow, your good." I said as Shoji pulled Kaori to his feet again and was walking towards me.

"Thanks, kinda got it from ya." my mouth dropped in amazement, damn this guy's unpredictable. After a few hours of training, we then went on another patrol, this time in Hosu, the exact same city where Iida's brother was attacked by the Hero Killer Stain.

As soon as we got there, there was fire and chaos everywhere. Everyone was running around in a panic and pro heroes were trying to stop the fire from spreading. I then saw what was happening, and who was causing it. It was another NOMU?! 'HOW IS THERE ANOTHER NOMU, ALL MIGHT DEFEATED THAT THING DIDN'T HE?!?' I thought frantically in my head. I then got a text from Deku. He sent me his location, that meant trouble to me. I told Shoji and Kaori where I was going and they nodded and started fighting against the Nomu.

I teleported to Deku's location and I saw him, Todoroki. I then look to the side and I see the Pro Hero Native, he was losing some blood but not too much. I then looked to my side and I saw Iida on the ground losing blood as well. I look in front of me and I see THE HERO KILLER!? "You're not supposed to be here. Leave child." Stain said to me.

"Fuck that, I ain't leaving." I growled. He growled and slashed at me, but I dodged his sword. I knew what his quirk was, and I know how to beat him without causing damage. I got below him and used a little thing using my hands and specific movements I learned from a friend from China.

After I used the hand movements on him, he fell to the ground, paralyzed. I then called the police and helped the boys to their feet. Native went over to Deku and put him on his back asking if he was ok. A few minutes later, the police arrived along with some pro heroes including Kaori and Shoji. One of the pro heroes asked if Todoroki and Iida were ok. They nodded, but just in case, they were sent to the hospital. I then saw the chief of police who was a dog? I explained to him what I did. He nodded his head and said he would put what happened on the news to let everyone know that the Hero Killer has been caught and arrested. After that, I saw Shoji and Kaori.

Shoji ran up to me and hugged me. I could tell he was worried about me after I left to find Deku. "I was so worried that something bad happened to you, please don't worry me like that again." he said while Kaori and the others just looked at us with smug looks. I hugged back.

"I can't make that promise, because if we're going to be pro heroes, we have to do these kinds of things, no matter what." I said, but he didn't say anything but held me tighter.

Deku, Todoroki, and Iida were then released from the hospital due to minor injuries, but Iida couldn't feel anything in his right arm. I guess he got hurt very badly by Stain. After that we headed back to my great grandpa's agency and we headed to bed. Well I was going to go to bed in my room, but Shoji had a different idea. He took me to his room and sat me on his bed and went to my room and got me some pajamas and came back and handed me them. I then went to his bathroom and got dressed.

I came back out of his bathroom and saw him sitting on his bed waiting for me. I sighed before saying "Shoji, I'll be fine in my room." I said. He only shook his head.

"I'm not taking a chance, so for the next few nights before we leave, you're sleeping with me." he said. I sighed knowing that if we argued about it, he would win. So I laid down on his bed but I turned on my right side with my back facing him.

I don't think he liked that because he turned me to face him and pulled me closer to him. I sighed again and just went with it. "Please just humor me for a few days." he whispered softly to me. I nodded my head and fell asleep in his arms.

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