Chapter 8

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After the attack on the USJ, I started training myself in the school gym. I was preparing myself for anything. Right in the middle of my training, I heard a door open. I turned around with my hands in a defense position but soon relaxed, seeing that it was only Shoji and Tokoyami.

"Hello D, what are you doing here by yourself?" Tokoyami asked me, going to the high bars.

"Training myself. It's how I'll be ready for anything, even another villain attack." I said while going back to the punching bag.

"You should learn not to over train yourself, you're going to hurt your body." Shoji said going to the bench press and started bench pressing.

"Yeah, but I'm actually used to doing this, my dad trained me at the age of 3 how to fight, because funny thing is, I almost shot my old man with his crossbow. Never let your 3-year old day near a crossbow dad." I said with a very small laugh. A small tear then started to form in my eyes. I wiped it away.

"What happened after that?" Tokoyami asked me.

I stopped punching the punching bag and I sat down on the floor. "After that day, I was kidnapped and taken to the forest to be killed by wolves or hypothermia. But the wolves found me and raised me as one of their own. Two years later, I turned 5, I made my own weapon out of sticks and twine. It was a small bow and arrow.

When I was hunting, I came across a couple and they saw me with my wooden bow and arrow. The lady gasped while the man just rolled his eyes and they took me away from my wolf family. I was then taken to New York, where at first, the lady cared for me, til one day. My fake dad, James, killed my fake mom, Lisa, and he blamed it on me, I told the truth it wasn't me, and the cops gave him a slip, I was 8 at the time. The next day I was at school on the roof with my best friend who's dead, Casper. I went downstairs to go to the bathroom and when I came back, my bullies Victoria, Samantha, and Ashly were there. I ran towards Victoria because she was pushing Casper towards the edge of the roof.

Samantha and Ashly held me back and I screamed at her to stop. She didn't though, she pushed him and I watched as he slowly fell to his death. I got so mad, that lost control of my first quirk , my fire quirk. I burned them but I got caught. The principal called my fake dad and he got so mad that he started whipping my back with a whip. He started abusing me.

3 years later, I turned 13, I found my real parents, but before I got to say or do anything, they were killed by this villain. I didn't know who he was, but he saw me and I ran like my life depended on it. Two years later, I turned 15, I was getting tired of the shit. So I grabbed my stuff and I transferred here illegally, the only ones who knows is you two, Deku and his mom, the teachers and Principal Nezu. Now you know what I've been through."

I looked at Tokoyami and Shoji, they both looked at me with surprise. "Wow, we're sorry that happened to you." Tokoyami said to me feeling bad that happened to me.

"Yeah, that must be really hard on you, but don't worry, we'll be here for you, we promise." Shoji said smiling a little under his mask, but since we couldn't see it, he used his dupli-arms to create a mouth to smile.

"Thanks you guys." I was so glad that I'm friends with these guys, I don't feel like I'm alone anymore.

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