Chapter 19

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I woke up before Shoji and I got ready for school in my closet. After I got dressed and ready, I came out and saw Shoji gone. Probably went to go get ready I thought to myself. I put on my backpack and I opened my door and then closed it and saw Shoji dressed and ready.

We then headed downstairs and saw everyone waiting for us. "Is everyone ready to go to school so we can hear what Mr. Aizawa has to say to us?" Iida said making his usual hand gestures.

"Let's just get this over with." Bakugou said. I rolled my eyes and we soon left the dorms. After a 5 minute walk from the dorms, we got to the school.

We headed to 1A and we sat down in our seats. We then saw Mr. Aizawa walking in. "Ok, I hope you guys learned a lot from your week long internships. Now let's get down to business. It's almost summer break, and it's almost time for the exams.

As you know, there are only two exams, a written exam and an exam where you have to work together either as a class or with a partner. The written exam is on Thursday, that's 3 days and the other exam is the next day. And you may be wondering what is the second exam, well you're going to have a partner and both of you are going to be fighting against the teachers."

Our eyes went so wide when we heard that we have to fight against the teachers. "And for those who pass, you get to do something to increase your training and for those who fail...summer school." we all groaned at the thought of summer school.

"YOU GUYS BETTER MAKE SURE YOU PASS!!" Kirishima and Kaminari both said. Mr. Aizawa glared at both of them and they closed their mouths.

"Anyways, there are eleven teams, the first team is Kaminari and Mina against Mr. Nezu, the second team is Aoyama and Ochaco against Thirteen, the third team is Koda and Jiro against Present Mic, the fourth team is Tokoyami and Ave against Ectoplasm, the fifth team is Shoji and D against Snipe, the sixth team is Hagakure and Tsuyu against Vlad, the seventh team is Sato and Kirishima against Cementoss, the eighth team is Iida and Ojiro against Power Loader, the ninth team is Sero and Mineta against Midnight, the tenth team is Todoroki and Yaoyorozu against me, and the eleventh team is Bakugou and Deku against All Might."

Our mouths dropped when we heard Bakugou and Deku having to work together to beat All Might. 'That's not possible to do, that's impossible, there's no way them two can pass without Bakugou trying to beat the shit out of Deku.' I thought frantically. "But to make things fair, we had Power Loader make these accessories out of heavy metal to weigh us down." that made things a bit better, but how are we going to pass this exam.

"Now that that's out of the way, start studying for the written exam and prepare yourself for the fighting exam." Mr. Aizawa said.

"I'm so gonna fail the written exam."

"Me too, there's no way I'm gonna pass, I haven't been paying attention." Mina, Sero, and Kaminari said.

"I can tutor you guys if you like." Momo said. The three eagerly nodded. I felt Ojiro's tail tap me on the shoulder. I turned around.

"Hey D, can you help me study, I haven't been paying attention." I smiled and I accepted. Ave, Tokoyami, and Shoji asked the same and I accepted also.

"D you are the best cousin ever." Ave said to me as we went to lunch.

"Well, I like helping out others, it's the whole reason I wanna become a pro hero. You never told me your reason why you wanted to become a pro hero Ave." I told her. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, the reason why I want to become a pro hero is 1, I can make my grandparents and my brother proud of me and 2, I want to protect others as well." Ave said.

"So where do you wanna meet up at or just study at the dorms?" I asked.

"We can meet up somewhere." Ojiro said.

"Where though?" I asked.

"How about the library?" Shoji suggested.

"Sounds good." I said. Ok so we're meeting up at the library. We got our lunch and we sat at our table and started talking about random things.

After lunch, we headed back to class. We all took notes just in case this was gonna be on the exam. After class, it was time to go back to the dorms. Yaoyorozu, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari headed to Yaoyorozu's house. Bakugou and Kirishima headed to the nearest cafe and studied there. Shoji, Ave, Tokoyami, Ojiro, and I went to the library. I then helped them with what they needed to catch up on. Who knew I could be a good tutor.

3 days went by fast, it was time for the written exam. We got our papers and started on the exam. I got to a certain question and it struck a memory. I started remembering about my parents. I almost started to cry, but I stopped myself. I don't want anyone to worry about me. After a total of 2 long hours, we finished the written exam.

After taking the written exam, I walked over to Shoji. "Hey Shoji?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"Hey D."

"So, how do you think you did on the exam?" I asked him.

"I think I did pretty good, you?" he told me.

"I think I did good, anyways, do you maybe wanna talk strategy on how to beat Mr. Snipe?" I asked him.

"Sure sounds good. So what do you have in mind?" Shoji asked me. I thought for a second before remembering the move I did on Kaori.

"You remember that move where I turned invisible and muted my movements and pounced at Kaori?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, "yeah, that was pretty cool, but what about it?" he asked me.

"I'm thinking I use the same move on Mr. Snipe and you handcuff him or you run to the exit." I said.

He nodded, "ok, but are you sure you can hold him down long enough?" he asked me. I nodded my head. "If I can pin Kaori down, then I can definitely pin Mr. Snipe down." I said.

After we talked over our strategy, the class was ready to go. So we got our stuff and we left to the dorms. We got inside and we talked for a little bit. After a few hours of talking and goofing off, we all headed to bed.

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