Chapter 27

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Every day, we went to the gym and continued to practice our ultra moves. We did this until it was the day of the Provisional Licenses Exam. We got changed into our costumes and we loaded up into the bus.

After a long drive, we finally arrived to the exams. We got out of the bus and there were so many people here. "Ok, now that we're here, I expect you all to behave and do your best. Remember to be-" Mr. Aizawa started, but was cut off.

"PLUS ULTRA!!!" we looked behind us, and there was guy from another school.

"I apologize for bursting in, but I really wanted a chance to say that!" he said holding his knees and hitting his head on the ground hard enough that his head started to bleed. Our eyes went wide. Was this dude for real?

I then looked at his hat, and I realized that he was from the other elite school.....Shiketsu high. "U.A in the East and Shiketsu in the West." I heard Bakugou say. That's right, both U.A and Shiketsu high are rivals, but wasn't he one of the ones who signed up for U.A through recommendations? Why didn't he go for it? I thought to myself.

I didn't feel Shoji shaking my shoulder because I was lost in thought. "Kayda," I broke from my thoughts when he said my name, "we're about to go in." he said. I then looked and saw that we were about to head inside. I followed Shoji and we went inside this huge room.

It was a few minutes, so we had time to talk till we saw this very tired man walking up to the stand. We were shocked. Maybe he should take a break and have someone else fill in his place. I thought. He then started explaining about why there were heroes, and about the exams itself. After he explained, he then told us that our first task was to try and survive.

"Ok, so your first exam is how we will tell who's strong or not. Each of you will have three targets. And you must put them where they can be seen, so no arm pits or soles of the feet please. Ok, now then, you will be given six balls. You have to hit another person's target three times and you pass. But if you don't hit all their targets three or if someone else hits your targets, you fail." he said. We were then given our targets and our balls.

After that, the roof started to shake and it fell to the ground with a crash. "What even is this place?!?" Kaminari said with shock. We then saw the others run off and we did the same.

"Ok, we just have to stick together, if we do that, we can actually pas-KACCHAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?" Deku shouted as he stared at Bakugou leaving.

"I don't need your help, I can do this on my own." he said. Then Kirishima and Kaminari followed him.

"We'll make sure he doesn't get hurt." Kirishima said. Just then Todoroki did the same, he started to leave.

"I don't wanna hurt anyone, so it's best I go off on my own as well." Deku sighed.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, we can still do this." I said to him with confidence. His eyes were suddenly filled with confidence as well and we went on with the plan. Just then a swarm of balls came rushing at us. Mina used her acid to catch some. Dark Shadow and Tokoyami did the same. Uraraka and I caught the balls. The four of us looked at each other and we sent the balls flying back to wherever they came from.

Just then, this guy from another school got down to the ground and was sending the balls underground. "Move back, I got this." Jiro said as she put her jacks in the ground. She then used her speakers and sent the balls back.

"Woohoo, go Jiro!" Hagakure said. Then, another guy got on the ground, but this time he made the earth shake and we were sent flying. I was about to crash into a building, when I felt Shoji's arms around me.

I could feel a few more people in his arms as well, and I looked to see that it was Tsu, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro. As soon as the dust cleared, we were on the ground. "Thanks Shoji." I said. He nodded his head. We were walking around and we saw a building. We thought it could be a good place to hide and plan an ambush....we were wrong. There was 6 people already in here.

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