Chapter 12

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It was fortunate that I met Glean or I would have been lost in the forest for who knows how long.

As I glance down, pass Glean's wing, I feel a sense of vertigo. Maybe it's because this is a new level of high. Even when I was a stunt woman, there were rarely any flying scenes and even when there was one, it wasn't as high as we are flying now.

The cliffs jutting out from the greenery make my stomach churn and my hands tighten around Glean's feathers.

"Are you okay Master?" Glean asks.

I bite my lip. "I... just remembered something." To be frank, I recalled the cliff from which I had fallen to my death. Again, the thought plagues me. Is there a chance that I could still be alive in my original world? If I am– which is an extremely unlikely possibility since I fell from quite a height– I should find a way back as soon as possible.

"You are trembling with fear. Is it because of my flying?"

I shake my head then remember that she can't see. "The cliffs reminded me of the past..."

"You are afraid of the cliffs?" Glean abruptly swoops down and I close my eyes tight as adrenaline pumps through my blood and my hands almost tear her feathers.

"W-what's happening?" I gasp after I finally catch my breath. My eyes widen as I stare around us. "Are we on top of someone's house?!"

Glean nods her majestic head. "Yes Master. I have stopped at the nearest town as you commanded."

I look down and grin. For the first time in a while, I feel relief wash through me. This is where I can restart in this world; a place where I can begin on a new chapter of my life.

Fern and Gaylen's faces suddenly pop into my mind but I quickly shake my head, hoping to get rid of these lingering feelings. Maybe I had become more closer to them than I thought. Attachments are difficult to break. Once you become attached, even if you try to escape, you will miss them and think about them when they aren't around.

"Let's live here happily." I say, stretching my arms as I climb off Glean. In the blink of an eye, she returns to her smaller bird form.

"Help! There's a thief on the roof!"

My eyes widen as I glance down and see a man waving his arms. "Shit. Let's get off here first."

The roof isn't that high up so I manage to climb down by holding onto a pipe on the side of the house which leads straight down to the ground. The man has gathered a crowd and they all whisper loudly amongst themselves as my feet finally touch the ground. I dust my clothes and smile nervously at the strange people.

They wear different clothes to those I have seen on Fern and Gaylen. Are these what normal people wear here? I've only seen the Davicis' clothes ever since I came to this world but even their servants' clothes were more extravagant than what these people in front of me are wearing.

"What were you trying to steal up there?" The man who had shouted earlier asks angrily. He narrows his eyes, searching me all over.

I hold up my hands in front of me, palms open. "What would I even steal from your roof? There's nothing there."

"Then what were you doing on my roof? Why did you climb up there?"

How do I answer? I didn't climb as he thinks but I can't explain that I flew down. Something, maybe my survival instinct, tells me I should keep my magic abilities to myself.

"Oh, I was just seeing if I could actually climb up to a roof." I lie. The crowd's eyes stare at me, making me sweat anxiously under social pressure.

"So you wanted to use my roof? Don't you have a house of your own?" The man asks. He still sounds mad.

A dark shadow suddenly falls over me and I stare at the broad back standing in front of me.

"She's my guest. I apologise for any inconvenience."

I frown. Who is he and why is he defending me?

"N-no need to apologise Sir Ligas. She didn't do any damage so it is fine."

My jaw drops. Is this man serious? Why is he changing his tune all of a sudden? This man who is helping me isn't ordinary, he must be some sort of big shot.

"Come on, I'll take you back." The man says, turning his neck.

"Thank you." I nod, playing along with his script. I follow him as he weaves pass the people. I can feel their eyes on my back as we leave.

The man clears his throat once we are away from the area and turns to me. His brown eyes are friendly and his beard is neat.

"May I ask what happened earlier? I too would like to know how you ended up on that roof." He says politely.

I bite my lip. I'll have to lie again but I feel guilty for lying to someone who just protected me.

"I got drunk and ended up getting lost. When I woke up, I was on the roof." Please forgive me for lying to a good person.

"Is that how it was?" He doesn't seem very convinced but he let's it go. "You don't look like you're from around here. Are you planning to stay for a while?"

"I'm from a different town but I do plan to stay for a few days. Do you know of any hotels where I can stay at?"

He stares at me with his eyebrows furrowed, "Hotels?" He asks in confusion.

Oh no. Do they not call it a hotel here? What should I say to avoid suspicion?

"Um, sorry, I meant somewhere I can stay." I say quickly.

"Ah, you can come and stay at my inn. My wife and I just started it and we haven't had any visitors. You'll be our first guest."

"Thank you." I smile. So they call them "inns".

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