Frostee- What do you want us to do?

Ms. Nowhere- Arrest them. Now move!!

We ran out to our cars. Shashi was recently given a car that looks kinda like his old key car. Only it's just for spying now. It doesn't unlock any crazy vaults. At least not that I know of...

Cisco- Everyone ready?

Frostee- I got the coordinates!

Frostee also got a new car, since his mini van exploded a while ago. His was totally different and completely custom. He designed it himself. It kinda had the shape of Layla's car, but the back is not as low as hers. Frostee's has a compartment for his drones back there. That way he can use the voice activation on them to send them out instead of using his computer, because no texting and driving.

We all took off down the street as we all let Frostee lead the way.

Shashi- It feels kinda weird going after the team I created.

Echo- You better not turn on us now!

Shashi- No I would never, I just, it's hard. Going up against people I used to call friends.

Cisco- Yea. I bet Layla felt the same way when she turned on you.

Shashi- No. Layla had a reason to hate me. To want to escape. I didn't. The only reason I did was because of her.

Frostee- You do realize she's married, right?

Shashi- No! It's not like that! I just mean, I was horrible to her. She hated me. She had a good reason to leave, especially because of Toretto. But I only left because I saw no other way out.

Echo- And how do you feel now? Are you gonna leave us?

Shashi- No! I don't want to leave you guys! There was nothing making you guys add me to your family, but you did. And I'm really glad you did. Because I don't think anyone in the world would give me a second chance, but you guys.

Frostee- Aww! I'm glad your part of our family too!

Cisco- Same here!

Echo- Yea. I'm glad you here too.

Shashi- Thanks guys. Now let's stop with the lovey dovey stuff and start the mission!

We arrived at the location Ms. Nowhere tracked the rest of the SHIFTER crew to. We slowed our cars and quietly moved drove a little further. Then, other engines were starting and cars were flying from around bends, headed straight towards us!

Echo- Scatter!

We all drive different ways as 2 cars followed me. I could see Shashi being chased by a big truck with Scaden and Muscles in it. Cisco had someone on his tail and Frostee had Jun behind him. They were sending drones out to fight each other as she chased behind him.

Scaden- Dhar!

Shashi- Sorry. That's Layla and Tony's thing, calling each other by their last names. And if I'm being honest, I don't feel that way about you! No hard feelings?

Scaden- I don't care for you at all! I hate you! You left me many times! We joined forces, just for you to leave me!

Shashi- Sorry, Sweetheart! Didn't mean to break your heart!

Scaden- Why you little...

He rammed into Shashi's bumper. His car started to drift and began rolling. I could hear a loud crashing sound over the coms as I looked behind me to she Shashi's car, flipped and totally smooshed. I stopped quickly and the car behind me didn't notice until it was too late. They hit the back of my car and were sent flying over top of me. The car behind them stopped, but didn't stop chasing me. I launched a small missle at the car and it quickly exploded behind me. I looped back around and headed for Shashi's crashed car.

Cisco- Yo! What happened to Shashi?

Echo- Shashi!? Are you okay?!Can you hear me?! SHASHI!

Frostee- Oh no! Look!

Frostee saw his smashed car and Shashi's face through the window. He had blood everywhere and half the windows were crushed. I hopped out of my car and tried to open his door. It wouldn't budge!

Echo- Shashi!

I banged on the door. I could see him passed out while still hanging upside down. I kicked in the window and carefully un-buckled Shashi. I quickly pulled him out and pulled him into my lap.

Echo- Shashi! Wake up! Come on! Wake up! Please!

Cisco and Frostee ran up behind me.

Frostee- Oh no!

Cisco- Jeez!

I cupped Shashi's cheeks and felt tears rolling down my face. I saw a few land on his face as I tried to wipe them off along with the blood.

Cisco- I'm calling an ambulance!

Frostee- I'm calling Ms. Nowhere!

Fast and Furious: Spy Racers (Isabella's Version)Where stories live. Discover now