"Good morning, Nala." he greeted, a bit too sweetly. Wait, why's he calling me that?

I turned back to him, looking up. He was waaaay too close. Talk about personal space.

"Morning, Jayceon. Why you calling me that?" I asked, folding my arms.

He shrugged pulling out the chair next mine. He turned to me with a smile.

"It's cute. Besides, don't you get tired of people calling your name round the clock?" he quizzed with an eyebrow raised.

"You really got an issue with first names, huh?" I asked. He shrugged and I laughed, putting my book in my bag. I can't with him.

"Where y'all run off to yesterday?" he questioned. I looked over at him and he had a slight frown on his face. I shrugged.

"I went over to Mrs Brown's class." I simply said as I leaned back on my chair.

"Is Mrs Brown some kinda guidance counsellor or sum?" he asked.

"She's a music teacher. I use her room to vent sometimes. I play some piano." I sighed. Why am I being interrogated?

"Cool. Let's go then." he said, getting up and grabbing his bag. I noticed his outfit today and he was wearing a Bridge Burners snap back, black tee and black jeans with a deep blue denim jacket and combat boots. He's weird. Woah, where are we going?

"Where are we going?" I asked looking up at him. He sucked his teeth, placing his bag on the table and pulled me up from the chair. I squealed. What the?

"You're gonna play for me. Now let's go. Damn." he said, taking both our bags and heading towards the door. I was frozen for a second and decided to follow him.

Where the hell was he going. He don't know where it is.

"Which way?" he asked as we entered the hallway.  I pointed to the right and he went that way. I scoffed and followed behind him. He abruptly turned around and I crashed into his hard board. Oh my freaking God.

"You need to walk beside me if we're gonna get there any time soon." he said and I nodded like the idiot that I am. I was frozen in place so he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Mrs B's room.

"Calm down, Christian. Damn." I said. He chuckled, shaking his head as we made our way to the class.

As we entered the room, Mrs B hadn't arrived yet so we made ourselves comfortable, with me at the piano and he took Mrs B's usual place.

I don't mind people hearing me play or sing cause I love doing it. Why should I hide?

"What you want me to play?" I asked, piercing my lips.

"I don't know. Play some Mozart or some shit." he shrugged. I sucked my teeth at him.

"Imma play the Piano Sonata for your amature ass." I joked, preparing to play.

I was really into it as I played. The way my fingers glide across the keys has always fascinated me. Kinda weird, I know. But... I can't explain it.

As I ended off, I looked over at him and he was smiling. I blushed real hard then and looked down at my lap.

"Whatchu hidin' for, ma? You did good." he complimented as I raised my head, cheesing real bad.

"Thanks, Jay." I said and he nodded.

"No fuss. Play somethin' else." he told me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nah ah. You heard me play, you can get off my tits now." I said, getting up. He mumbled something under his breathe and I wasn't feelin' to ask him what he'd said.

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