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Niladri was the most desirable boy in their class. Why most desirable? That's because he was an overall package. He had neither the most beautiful face in the class nor had the abs. But when he stood among the boys, he had the most attractive appearance among them. He was neither the topper of the class nor the captain of the football team. But his result was good and persistent and no one could replace him in the football team.

Swastik and Ankit were best friends. They both started liking Niladri. But their friendship was also important to both of them.

"What should we do? I don't want to become enemies with you. But giving up on Niladri without even trying is also not the thing I want." Ankit shared his inner conflict with Swastik.

"I was thinking that too. What should we do to decide?" Swastik plucked some grasses from the ground. He could not think a way to solve that problem.

"What if he chooses me? What would you do then?" asked Ankit.

"I would give you my blessings and stay friends with both of you if you don't mind," Swastik replied.

"What if he chooses you? Would you like to have me as your friend?" Ankit asked again.

"Why wouldn't I? You are my best friend," Swastik replied casually.

"Then let's compete."

"Where should we compete?"

"Let's compete in the game of love. It must be a fair game. Let's see who wins. The other one must back down immediately."

"I would never chase my best friend's boyfriend. But you must remember that too," Swastik said.

"I would."

"Then you must make yourself mentally prepared to see him in my arms."

"Are you not overconfident?" asked Ankit.

"I know I would be the winner," said Swastik confidently. "Kyunki baap, baap hota hai."

Swastik was right. After one month of flirting finally he confessed his love to Niladri. Niladri agreed to date him. Ankit had confessed to Niladri one week earlier but was rejected.

Swastik and Niladri met at the market in the evening and they ate pizza. Swastik paid the bill. Niladri smiled sweetly throughout their date. He promised to meet him next week. Swastik wanted to meet him next evening.

Niladri said, "I can't meet you every evening. I have to go to tuition and to play football. My mother asks me to buy groceries and vegetables too."

"Just five minutes would be enough for me. I would not take much time," Swastik requested.

"No baby. It is not possible. And by the way, we will meet in school every day."

Hearing 'baby' from Niladri, Swastik was delighted. He agreed to whatever Niladri said.

Swastik was on cloud nine and did not forget to show off in front of his friends, especially in front of his best friend Ankit.

"Here are cheese patties for everyone," he said. "Your brother is not single anymore."

Some friends were happy for him. Some were sad like Ankit. No one refused the cheese patties though. As he was busy on showing off, Neeraj from another section came there.

"What is the reason of this celebration?" he asked curiously.

"Come on bro, have some patties," Swastik called. "Big brother is happy to have a boyfriend."

"Congratulations," Neeraj said. "You got a boyfriend? Who is he?"

"Niladri, the most desired boy in our class." Swastik was waiting for this question.

"Good for you," Neeraj smirked. "Be prepared to get dumped. Jald hi tera bhi katega."

"What did you say?" Swastik asked in annoy.

"I did not say anything. Time will say what is in store for you," said Neeraj before going away.

Someone said, "I once heard that Neeraj and Niladri were dating."

A couple of other boys agreed that they also had heard that kind of rumor.

"I don't care about whom he dated previously. He is mine now," said Swastik proudly.

It took a couple of months, a dozen of dates and an expenditure in four figures before Swastik understood that Niladri was not fully his. Niladri was dating more boys from different places. He was even dating with a pastry store owner only to eat free pastries and ice-creams.

He already dated a couple of boys from his school too. Neeraj was one of them.

Swastik went to meet Neeraj.

"Why did you not tell me about Niladri's character that day?" he asked.

"Would you have believe me if I said?" Neeraj asked.

Swastik had no answer.

"But I did warn you. Didn't I?" asked Neeraj.

"Yes you did. Thanks bro."

"I hope you did not lose much money. Even if you did, the life lesson you get from this is more valuable," Neeraj said.

"You are right," agreed Swastik.

Ankit became more cheerful than before. He had thought that he had lost to Swastik, but it turned out that the person who had lost was not him.