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"An Alpenliebe candy for you," said Neeraj and gave a candy to Swastik.

"Is it your birthday today?" asked Swastik as he took the candy.

"No, today is not my birthday," replied Neeraj.

"Then what is this candy for?" asked Swastik.

"Take another one and send me the work of Hindi grammar." Neeraj requested as he took out another candy from his pocket.

"Is it the fees for sending you work?" Swastik smiled and took the candy.

"No, it is not the fees. I just wanted to thank you in advance," Neeraj said. His face turned a little red.

"Okay I will send it after I go home," said Swastik.

Swastik sent the work to Neeraj via WhatsApp. He immediately replied with a 'thank you'.

Next day Neeraj again came to Swastik and said, "Thank you very much Swastik."

"You already thanked me many times," said Swastik.

"Here is another Alpenliebe for you." Neeraj handed over the candy to Swastik and said, "Send me the work of History today, please."

Swastik took the candy and said, "I will. But you have to send me a reminder for that. And you should mention from which chapter you need the work."

"Send me everything in your copy, from the beginning."

"Okay, but don't forget to send the reminder," reminded Swastik.

"I will not," replied Neeraj.

Swastik was happy. He was sending class work and homework to his friends for years. But he never got anything in exchange. Receiving candies were good but it had a demerit too. When he took candy for sending work, he was bound to send the work. With others he could behave according to his mood. He would not sent work if he do not feel like it. But he had to send work to Neeraj anyhow.

Neeraj was extremely polite. He said, "Swastik, would you send me this work please?" while others would say, "Send me the work Swasti, don't forget."

Neeraj messaged, "Please Swastik," while others would message, "Send it fast," or "Why did you not send it till now?"

He would say thank you repeatedly before and after he receives the work. Swastik sometimes felt uncomfortable after getting so many 'thank you'. No one talked to him like that before.

Swastik was thinking about Neeraj before sleeping. A thought suddenly came to his mind, "Does Neeraj like me?"

"How could I know if he likes me? I can't just ask him directly," he thought.

Of course he would not ask Neeraj anything. But he tried to observe Neeraj intently. Neeraj was altogether a polite boy. He talked politely to everyone. But he was a lot casual with his close friends. But whenever he came to talk to Swastik, he behaved formally. He asked for work every alternate day. He was not the only one who did that. Swastik wondered what they did in the class when teachers dictated the answers.

One day Neeraj said, "Swastik, please keep your notebooks up to date. I don't want to borrow notebooks from others. Your notes are the best in the class. I will copy from your notebooks only."

Swastik wanted to ask, "Why?" but did not.

Neeraj always send him messages regarding study materials but he never mentioned anything else. Swastik was introvert he never talked about anything personal too. Then the summer vacation started. Neeraj did not message him for the whole first half of the vacation.

On the third week of vacation his messages popped up in Swastik's phone.

Neeraj: Hello Swastik

Have you done the holiday homework?

If yes, then send me everything please

I didn't do anything at all

Please help me out

"He finally remembered me," thought Swastik. A little smile spread on his face.

Swastik: I didn't complete everything

Will send you after I complete

When the school reopen after vacation Neeraj did not show up for a couple of days. Swastik hesitated to ask anyone about him.

One day Swastik and Ankit were walking down the corridor. Suddenly someone rushed past them. Swastik noticed that it was Neeraj. After walking past Swastik, Neeraj realised that it was Swastik.

He returned to him and said, "Sorry, I didn't see you earlier. How are you both?"

"We are fine," Ankit replied.

"Thank you Swastik for your help," Neeraj said.

"You already thanked me. You need not to act that polite," said Swastik.

"I am not acting polite. I am really grateful. I want to treat you with a patty," said Neeraj.

"Am I included?" asked Ankit.

"How can I exclude you? You are the best friend of Swastik," said Neeraj with a smile.

Neeraj seemed to be happier than other days. Ankit tried to spy on that matter.

"According to the information Neeraj is going to confess his love to someone," said Ankit.

"Who is that unlucky person?" asked Swastik.

"That's a mystery till now. Let me spy for a little while more," Ankit said.

"Stop spying around. It will get leaked after his confession."

Neeraj bought patties for Swastik and Ankit.

"Why are you happy today?" asked Ankit.

"I am always happy," replied Anmol.

"It's not true. Did you get a girlfriend?" asked Ankit.

"I did not get any. But the girl I like started talking to me. We became friends," replied Neeraj happily.

"Congratulations," said Swastik.

"He never liked me," thought Swastik. "It was just a misunderstanding from my part. But it's better this way. I wouldn't date him even if he liked me."