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Swastik loved to eat non-vegetarian foods. His best friend Ankit was a vegetarian and majority of the students of their class were vegetarian. Therefore Swastik had never brought anything non-vegetarian in his school-lunch. His mother usually prepared vegetables and Roti for him every morning. But there were some days when he wanted to take Sandwiches, Pasta or Chow mein in his lunch. His mother made those foods without any kind of non-vegetarian ingredients for school lunch.

Swastik could not think his life without chicken, fish or eggs. Therefore he had decided that he would consider anyone as his potential life partner only if that person was non-vegetarian like him. There were not many people who were non-vegetarian in his class, and Swastik did not like those who were. Therefore Swastik was single until he was in class ninth.

"Swastik, do you eat chicken?" asked Ayushman.

"Yes, I do," reply Swastik.

"Do you like it?" Ayushman asked again.


"I also like to eat chicken," said Ayushman. "What is your favourite chicken dish?"

"I like chicken lollipop," replied Swastik.

"Is there a dish named Chicken lollipop? I didn't know. How does it taste? Is it sweet?"

"No it is not sweet. It is tasty," replied Swastik.

"I would like to taste that," said Ayushman. "Does your mother make that?"

"No. I ate that in a food stall when I went to my uncle's home."

"Take me with you when you go there next time," requested Ayushman.

"I can take you only if your mother and my mother approve that," said Swastik.

"Okay bro, thank you," said Ayushman.

Next day Ayushman took his lunch box and went to Swastik's seat. Swatik was eating his lunch with Ankit.

"Swastik, do you want to eat Egg-toast?" asked Ayushman.

"You brought Egg-toast?" asked Swastik. He was surprised.

"Yes. Take some," requested Ayushman.

Swastik took some Egg-toast and ate.

Swastik went home and said to his mother, "Ayushman brought Egg-toast for lunch."

"He did?" Swastik's mother was surprised too.

"Yes, he shared it with me," said Swastik.

"When you were in kindergarten, the school had  instructed to not send anything non-vegetarian in lunch. I followed this instruction for years. When I was in school, my mother always sent vegetarian food to school. I feel that it is not necessary to sent non-vegetarian food in lunch. I didn't ever take them in my office lunch ever."

"But Ayushman said that he regularly takes Egg-toast to school," said Swastik.

"Let him take that. Roti- sabji is best for you. You can always eat Egg-toast or French-toast at home."

In last couple of weeks Swastik noticed that Himadri was talking to him and Ankit frequently. There was nothing special about that matter. Himadri only came for some casual chat before going back to his seat.

Ankit said, "It looks like Himadri likes you. Do you like him too?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" asked Swastik.

"I am sure he likes you," said Ankit confidently.

"He is vegetarian. He would suit better with you. I think he likes you," replied Swastik casually.

"Go to hell with your fish and meat. Can't you think beyond them?" asked Ankit with a disgusted expression.

"Don't talk shit about food," retorted Swastik.

"Are those foods more important than love?" asked Ankit.

"If I can't get someone with same food habits like me, I would rather stay single," replied Swastik.

The next morning Swastik's mother was late and could not make Roti-Sabji for his lunch. She made some French toast instead as she remembered Swastik's request. Swastik took his lunch happily.

He could not wait for the lunch time and as soon as the lunch break started he quickly washed his hands and opened his lunch box.

Himadri appeared in front of him out of nowhere and grabbed one toast from his lunch box.

"I did not bring lunch today. Let me eat one toast from your lunch," requested Himadri.

"Stop," said Swastik hurriedly. "Don't eat that."

"Swastik, don't be petty. It's one toast anyway. You have more to eat," complained Himadri.

"It has egg in it," said Swastik. His eyes were locked with Himadri's.

Himadri flipped the toast multiple times and said, "I can't see any egg in it."

"But it has egg in it," said Swastik.

"Where is the egg?" Himadri was still confused.

"You can't see the egg in this preparation. But it has egg in it. You can eat it if you are okay with that. I just wanted to warn you about that." Swastik started eating a piece of toast.

Himadri put the toast back in Swastik's lunch box and went to eat from someone else's lunch. One minute later he screamed, "Oh! I forgot to wash my hand after touching the Egg-toast. Oh My God, I ate with the egg-touched-hand."

Swastik ignored everything and continued to eat his lunch. Ankit was shocked beyond his wits.

Later that day Himadri came to Swastik. He looked desperate.

"Swastik, do you eat meat?" asked Himadri.

"Yes. I eat meat and fish," replied Swastik.

"If your true love asks you to stop eating those things, would you stop eating them?" asked Himadri.

"I wouldn't date anyone who would ask me to stop eating fish, chicken or egg," replied Swastik.

"What if you both like each other very much?" asked Himadri.

"No way. I would never compromise in that matter," replied Swastik firmly.

"What if he asks you to not eat non-vegetarian food in front of him," suggested Himadri.

"That would be boring. I would like to share my favorite foods with my partner," said Swastik.

Himadri went to his seat with a dark face. Ankit said, "I told you that he likes you. You broke his heart for some stupid meat."

"Wouldn't I become unhappy if I stop eating my favorite food? I don't even like him in that way," said Swastik.  

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