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"I have a piece of good news. Are you interested in it?" asked Lavyansh.

His two best friends were eager to know what good thing happened to their best friend. They replied in affirmative.

"I am dating," Lavyansh declared happily.

"Who are you dating without telling us?" asked Ankit.

Lavyansh did not reply; he only smiled at Ankit.

"Who is that lucky girl?" inquired Swastik.

Lavyansh still did not reply.

"Don't tell me that you are dating a boy. Are you?" asked Swastik.

Lavyansh's smile became brighter.

"You got a boyfriend? In this school?" asked Ankit. His eyes were filled with surprise.

"It's Ayushman," Lavyansh replied finally.

"Oh goodness," said Swastik.

According to Lavyansh, he and Ayushman liked each other when they met during a cultural meeting in school. Finally Lavyansh confessed his love and it was accepted by Ayushman.

Ayushman was from another section of their class. Lavyansh started going to meet Ayushman in lunch break every day. And every time he went out of class his eyes wandered for Ayushman. Ayushman was doing the same. They were seen walking through the corridor happily. As a result it did not take long to spread the news that Lavyansh and Ayushman were dating.

Lavyansh was the most handsome boy in his section while Ayushman was best looking in his section. A lot of people were excited when they came to know about their relationship. But there were many more people, who were not happy about it. Lavyansh had rejected many boys earlier, and those boys cannot just sit down and watch him to happily date someone else.

There were a lot of boys gossiping in the corridor during the lunch break. Lavyansh was going back to his classroom after meeting Ayushman. Those boys stopped Lavyansh and started chatting with him.

Boy A said, "So, you went to meet Ayushman."

"Yes," Lavyansh replied hesitantly.

Boy B said, "Are you really dating Ayushman?"

"Yes," replied Lavyansh.

Boy A said, "You don't look good together."

Boy C said, "Yah, you are so good looking, Ayushman is good enough too. But together you look funny."

All other boys agreed with him and they used their manipulation to prove that Lavyansh with Ayushman was not a good match.

Ankit and Swastik were waiting in their classroom for Lavyansh. As he did not return for a long time, they went to check on him. They found that he was surrounded by other boys.

"Why are you bothering Lavyansh? You nasty boys..." Ankit shouted as soon as he saw Lavyansh.

"We were not bothering him. We were just asking about his love affair with Ayushman," Boy B said.

"They said that we look funny together," complained Lavyansh.

"Why did you say that?" asked Swastik. He was clearly angry.

"Look at their height difference. Ayushman is too short for Lavyansh," said Boy C.

"What if their heights are different? They match each other very well," said Ankit.

Swastik held Lavyansh's wrist and lead him to their class. Lavyansh was clearly in distress. He did not talk at all.

Swastik tried to ease the atmosphere. He said, "They were teasing you. Don't take their words to your heart."

"But what they said was true," said Lavyansh.

Ankit came in and sat down with a huff. "I scolded them properly. They would never tease you again," he said.

They did not. Not in front of Ankit at least. But who could shut the mouths of all people. They continued to talk about the height difference of those two boys. Finally it was unbearable for both of them. Therefore after dating for only a little more than one month, they stopped talking to each other. Ankit and Swastik tried to convince Lavyansh that there was nothing to feel bad about the height, but he had decided to end everything with Ayushman. Therefore Lavyansh just broke up with Ayushman all of a sudden and never talked to him again.