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"Swastik, please go and tell Himadri that I love him," Ankit requested.

"Why should I do that?" asked Swastik.

"Please yaar, do this favor to me. I love him so much. But he is not listening to me. Please," Ankit pleaded.

"Do you really like him?" asked Swastik.

"Yes I love him for a long time, from the time when we were in class third."

"Then why didn't you plan something different to get his attention," suggested Swastik.

"I tried many things but nothing worked. That's why I am asking you," said Ankit.

"Do you think he would agree to date you if I request him?"

"Yes. You are the best boy in our class. He would at least listen to your words."

"Okay, I will do this for you. But just this once," said Swastik.

"Yes, just this once," Ankit agreed.

Therefore to fulfill the promise Swastik went to Himadri and conveyed the message sent by Ankit.

"Uff, this Ankit! How many time had I said that I don't like him at all?" Himadri complained in frustration.

"How many times did you?" Swastik asked casually as if he had no interest in that matter when in reality he was eager to know the details.

"When we were in class third he said 'I love you' to me," Himadri said.

"He did that when you were in class third?" Swastik asked in surprise. "He was a little boy that time. What happened then?"

"I complained to our class teacher. But he did not take it seriously. He thought that it was normal to love each other in our class. He considered it as a normal love; he did not take it otherwise."

"How could he think that a student of third standard can propose to his classmate? Moreover you both were boys. He thought it was a brotherly love. Ha ha ha."

"Don't laugh. For these last five years Ankit did the same thing over and over. I am tired of it now. Tell him not to bother me anymore."

"If his is consistent in his love that means he really loves you. What do you think?"

"And if I am consistent about my answer for five years that means I really don't love him. Isn't it?"

"Yes, you are right," Swastik said. "I am just a messenger. I am not here to force you to date anyone."

"You can't force me to date a boy. I don't like boys. I like girls only."

Swastik felt bad for Himadri and promised him that he would not bother him about that matter again in future. He went back to convey the message to Ankit. But he was not in his seat.

Swastik wanted to finish that task as soon as possible. He decided to say it to Ankit's desk mate.

"Tell him that Himadri is not at all interested in him."

That boy did not know anything about it. He got excited and exclaimed loudly, "Ankit and Himadri!! Wow, that's awesome."

Swastik did not bother to explain anything and went away. Ankit came to him later to know the details. After knowing everything he became sadder. Swastik did not know what to say.

He said, "Go away with your sad face. I can't do anything for you."

A couple of week later, everyone came to know that Himadri was dating a girl named Vaishali. Ankit became the saddest person in the world.   

TERA BHI KATEGA/ YOU TOO WILL GET DUMPED (FLASH FICTIONS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora