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The history teacher had taken a leave from school for one day. Therefore the students of class Ninth B got a free period. As usual they were unruly and loud in absence of the teacher. The new arrangement teacher was unable to control them in the classroom. So he took them to the ground to play freely.

The students of class Tenth B were already there, it was their game's period. Ankit started showing off his non-existing skills in badminton.

"Look Swastik, I am so good at it," Ankit said.

Swastik kept his face expressionless and said, "Yes my son."

Being addressed as 'my son', ankit was irritated. He started showing off his skills more. He called Swastik his son too. "Son, look at this. No one in our class can do that."

Swastik did not object and they kept playing. A group of boys from class tenth were observing them. Ankit became more concerned and played with more enthusiasm. Swastik did not want to play anymore under the observing eyes of those seniors. He suggested to stop playing badminton and watching the games of other boys instead.

Ankit was not happy, he wanted to play more. But as he can't play alone he started walking with Swastik.

"Those seniors were looking at me," Ankit whispered.

"I noticed. Don't they have anything better to do?" Swastik asked.

"There is nothing better to watch when I am in action." Ankit bragged.

"Yes, you are right," Swastik replied. Swastik knew that Ankit had a habit of bragging. But what could he do? Ankit was his best friend after all. It was his duty to support Ankit in any situation.

A couple of days later they saw that same group of seniors again. Ankit and Swastik were playing with other boys of their class after lunch and those senior boys watched them.

Swastik said, "Ankit, did you notice that those seniors are watching you again?"

"Yes," replied Ankit, "I think they like me."

"Perhaps you are right," said Swastik.

"Of course I am. They are stalking me."

"You should be careful then," suggested Swastik.

One of the senior boys came forward to them and asked, "What is your name boy?"

Ankit ran his fingers through his hair and replied, "Ankit."

"You are in class Ninth. Aren't you?" asked that senior.

"Yes, I am," replied Ankit.

"Okay. That's it. You keep playing," said the senior and walked away.

Ankit whispered to Swastik, "I told you. He likes me. No, I think they all like me."

Swastik smiled.

"Oh shit!"

"What happened now," asked Swastik.

"I forgot to ask his name," replied Ankit.

"You don't have to worry. They would come to you themselves," Swastik assured Ankit.

Days went by but those seniors did not talked to Ankit again. But they kept observing him. Ankit was losing his patience. He was expecting a confession. He did not mind if it was from a senior. Actually he was expecting multiple confessions. He would choose one or reject everyone depending on his mood. But he would get a chance to brag that the boys from class tenth liked him too.

Ankit was a little bit depressed as no one confessed to him. Every morning he went school with a heart full of hope but nothing happened. Those seniors continued to watch him and he continued to wait.

One day Ankit was absent from school, therefore Swastik was sitting alone on the grass after lunch. Those seniors were there too. They sat beside Swastik and asked about Ankit.

Swastik replied, "He took a leave today."

"Okay," they said.

Swastik thought for a moderately long time before asking, "Why do you watch us every day, seniors?"

"We don't specifically watch you. We just pass our time by observing others," said one senior.

"But we like to observe you and your friend," said another senior.

"Why?" Swastik asked with caution. "Does any one of you like Ankit?"

"We all like to watch him," said one senior. "There is no one more chomu than him in this school."

They all started laughing loudly.

Swastik felt embarrassed. He did not know what to say.

Another senior said, "The way he shows off his skills are the most hilarious."

Swastik said in a low voice, "Don't make fun of him."

"We don't make fun of him. He does that himself," said one senior.

"Don't say that in front of him," interrupted another senior. "They are best friends."

Swastik did not say anything. He knew how his best friend was. But what could he do? He could not leave Ankit despite of his silliness.

"I can't leave my son, no matter how bad he is," thought Swastik. He had no idea how he would tell Ankit that those seniors did not actually like him. 

TERA BHI KATEGA/ YOU TOO WILL GET DUMPED (FLASH FICTIONS)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum