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"You like Ayushman. Are you insane?" asked Ankit angrily. 

"Why can't I like him? He is handsome and popular," said Lavyansh staring at Ankit.

"He is popular for his affairs. Don't you know that?" asked Swastik.

"Those are all rumours. Do you have any proof?" asked Lavyansh.

"Everyone says that he is involved in multiple relationships," said Swastik.

"He is physically involved with more than one person," added Ankit.

"I don't believe that. Did any boy of our school said that he is dating Ayushman?" asked Lavyansh.

"Was he not dating Neeraj?" asked Ankit in disappointment.

"We all know that they had broken up long ago," repliedd Lavyansh.

"I heard that he has girlfriends too," said Swastik.

"Impossible. He is gay. He used to date Neeraj but has been single for a couple of months," said Lavyansh. "But he would not be single any more after my confession."

"I am warning you Lavyansh," said Ankit.

"Thanks for your concern. You both are my best friends. But let me decide myself whom I should date or not," requested Lavyansh.

Despite Swastik and Ankit's objection Lavyansh confessed his love to Ayushman. Ayushman accepted his love immediately and they started dating. Lavyansh was feeling over the cloud to get Ayushman as his boyfriend.

Ayushman was the perfect boyfriend. He never missed to wish 'good morning' and 'good night'. He cared for Lavyansh and always expressed his love through beautiful words.

"I am so proud to have you as my boyfriend," said Ayushman as he lightly held Lavyansh's hand.

"I am lucky to have a boyfriend like you," said Lavyansh. "But I am scared to think of our future."

"Our future together would be beautiful," said Ayushman.

"Together?" asked Lavyansh.

"Don't you want to grow old with me?" asked Ayushman.

"I want. But what if you get someone better or you marry a girl?" asked Lavyansh hesitantly.

"I would never marry a girl. I don't like them. We are young now. I hope the government will approve same sex marriage by the time we reach the marriageable age." Ayushman looked upward as he said those hopeful words.

"I would pray for that too," said Lavyansh. He became emotional. Swastik and Ankit were reacting over nothing.

"Even if it does not happen, we can still stay together," said Ayushman.

Ankit and Swastik had not said anything improper about Ayushman after Lavyansh started dating him. During the summer vacation Lavyansh had to go to visit his grandparents with his mother. He missed Ayushman a lot and called him every day. Ayushman continued to chat with him and talked to him many times each day.

Lavyansh was a little upset one evening as his mother said that they had to stay at his grandparent's home for another week. He missed his friends and missed his boyfriend Ayushman. He tried to group video call with his two best friends. But both Swastik and Ankit were busy somewhere and could not talk to him that night. Lavyansh called Ayushman early in the next morning, which he never did before.

Ayushman received the call and said "hello" in a low husky voice.

"Were you sleeping?" asked Lavyansh.

"Yea," said Ayushman.

"You better go back to sleep. I will call you later," said Lavyansh. He was a little disappointed.

"Okay. I will talk to you later," said Ayushman and cut the phone. He placed the phone beside the pillow. Lavyansh removed the phone from his ear and brought it in front of his eyes. He noticed that instead of cutting the call Ayushman mistakenly pressed the 'video' option. Lavyansh received the video request. He thought he would sneakily watch the sleeping Ayushman if he could. But Ayushman was not sleeping, he was making out with a girl in his bed. Lavyansh could not believe his eyes at first. But after looking carefully he knew that it was real. After a couple of minutes of kissing, they were going to take it to the next level.

Lavyansh could not watch any more. He shouted, "Ayushman!"

The pair stopped and Ayushman picked up the phone. As the girl noticed it was an already connected video call she covered her naked body with the sheet. Ayushman was spellbound. Lavyansh talked first.

"So, this is your love for me?" he asked.


"Ankit and Swastik were right about you. But I believed in your words instead. Why did you do this to me?" asked Lavyansh.

"I would talk to you later," said Ayushman. He knew that he could not continue his relationship with Lavyansh anymore. He did not want to waste his time talking to him at that moment when he had a hot girl in his bed waiting for an action. He just cut the call and resumed from where he had been interrupted.

What happened to Lavyansh? Well, he had two best friends who would always be there for him. He would definitely get over Ayushman and find a better person in his life.     

TERA BHI KATEGA/ YOU TOO WILL GET DUMPED (FLASH FICTIONS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ