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Swastik, Ankit and Lavyansh were walking on the school corridor during lunch break. Ayushman from other section joined them. They were gossiping about their classmates. The trio talked about the incidents of section A while Ayushman talked about the matters of section B. Suddenly a boy came running and jumped on Ayushman's back.

"Oh! Bho..." Ayushman cried out. That boy remained on his back and other three boys stared at him.

"Boys, he is Himadri," said Ayushman. "He is new in our class."

Swastik looked at Himadri carefully and found him interesting. After the introduction, all the five boys resumed walking. Swastik liked the boy at first glance, but he was not sure if he would like him back too.

Next morning Swastik and Ankit reached school by school bus. Swastik suggested, "Let's receive Lavyansh from that gate."

The school had two gates, one for the school bus and one for the students who walk or cycle through the gate. Swastik and Ankit went to school by bus while Lavyansh walked to it as his house was at only one minute walking distance from school.

Receiving Lavyansh was just an excuse. The main reason was to watch Himadri, who came shortly after Lavyansh. After that day it became a routine for Swastik and Ankit to receive Lavyansh as well as Himadri and Ayushman from gate number two. Himadri and Ayushman came to school together on their cycles.

During the lunch break all those five boys chatted and walked on the corridor together. After a couple of days Himadri took a day off from school. Ayushman took that opportunity to ask, "Swastik, do you like Himadri?"

Swastik was spellbound for a moment then acted like he did not hear the question. Ankit and Lavyansh stared at him in amazement and then said, "Oooh" together. Swastik ignored them and continued to walk.

Next day he got a note from Himadri with one line written on it, "I love you."

Swastik wrote, "I love you too," on that same paper and returned it to Himadri and got another "Oooh" from his friends.

Therefore the love story started very smoothly. Most of their classmates and schoolmates did not even notice that they were dating. Although the school did not have any strict 'no dating' policy, it did not mean that students could openly date each other. They continued their morning and lunch break routine of walking together. They started meeting after school and they occasionally exchanged love notes.

Gradually a couple of students noticed that there was something going between those boys from different sections. One day one teacher asked Swastik to go to section B and bring a notebook from a specific student. Swastik went there but noticed that the door was closed. He knocked and someone opened the door for him. There were no teacher in that classroom.

A boy from inside asked, "Who is there?"

Before the boy on the door could reply, Swastik replied himself, "Tera baap ayaa!"

Swastik went in with a fake attitude; he did not dare to look for Himadri. He found the boy teacher mentioned and took a copy from him. In his heart he wanted to see Himadri but he loved his reputation more. As he got near the door and proceed to go out, Himadri came and held his wrist from behind.

Swastik stood still for a moment.

"I love you," said Himadri.

Swastik did not reply and walked away after that. By the end of that day almost everyone from two sections knew about that incident. But in reality no one knew what actually happened. They only knew that Himadri, Ankit and Swastik were involved in some love note exchanging incident. Himadri even said "I love you" to someone. Swastik had a good reputation as he was a top student. Therefore people assumed that it was Ankit who was involved in note exchanging.

Next morning, Ankit and Himadri were called by the class teachers of their sections.

Lavyansh whispered to Swastik, "Is it about that incident?"

"I think so," said Swastik before walking out of the classroom. He presented himself in front of the teachers before Ankit reached there.

"It's not Ankit. It's me," he said in a low voice and kept his eyes down.

The teachers did not expect that. They sent Ankit back and scolded Swastik for what he did. They warned him not to do those things again until he grows up.

Himadri came after wards and said, "Good morning teachers. Did you call me?"

Swastik was awestruck by Himadri's demeanor. But before he could swallow more of Himadri's appearance with his eyes he was sent back to his classroom. What happened next was not known by anyone except that three persons present there. But it was rumored that Himadri got more punishment than Swastik.

The love story of Swastik and Himadri ended just like that. They did not talk to each other again. Swastik made a drawing of Himadri and missed him for a couple of months before forgetting him. And it was unknown how Himadri coped with that situation. But as he was new in that school, he had to behave properly.