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Class teacher Mr. Puneet had a unique disease. He was never satisfied with the sitting arrangement in his class. Every morning he looked around the room to observe which student was sitting where. The students always followed his sitting arrangements but he himself found problems and loopholes in the sitting arrangement done by him.

Therefore every week he tried to impose a new system of sitting arrangement for the boys of class ninth B.

When those boys were in lower classes they hardly followed the sitting arrangements for one week before quietly exchanging seats to sit with their close friends. The class teacher would forget who they set with whom by that time. After the teacher found that the students were sitting with their best friends they would rearrange their seats again.

Students thought they would do the same in Mr. Puneet's class too. But they were shocked to know that Mr. Puneet had noted down the names according to their seat. He would check the list if he doubted that anyone had exchanged their seat with anyone. As a result the students were unhappy but dare not to exchange seat with others.

With his unique sitting arrangement Mr. Puneet introduced unique permutation rotation system in sitting arrangement.

"He must have done PhD in sitting arrangements," muttered Swastik.

His desk mate for the day was Niladri. Niladri said, "You are right. He wastes half of his period in sitting arrangements. Majority of the students are struggling with the Mathematics syllabus and he is forcing them to calculate their seats every morning."

Swastik agreed to him. Although Swastik understood the new rotation very well, he too thought that it was troublesome to calculate where to sit every morning.

Within half an hour Swastik understood that sitting on the same desk with Niladri was a punishment. Niladri had a habit of shaking his legs constantly. Due to his constant shaking of legs Swastik could not write anything properly. And it was irritating like hell when he was not writing as well. What was more irritating? The response he gave every time Swastik asked him to not shake his legs.

"Don't shake," Swastik said.

"I am not shaking it. Look, my hands are on the table," Niladri said with a smirk. His friends laughed.

"Stop doing it," said Swastik in the next period.

"I did not do anything to you," replied Niladri. "Do you want it?"

"Swastik wants to do it in the classroom?" Niladri's friends shouted.

Swastik had no intension to argue about those nasty words. Enduring Niladri for the day was the better option according to him. Swastik did not complain again for the day. He was happy that he would not have to sit with that irritating Niladri next day.

Next day Swastik got the seat with Himadri. Swastik was looking for it as he had a crush on Himadri. When he woke up in the morning he had a slight headache. There was no way that he could afford to miss school. Therefore he did not mention his headache to his mother and went to school.

The classroom was in a total mess, students were confused and they did not know where to sit. Swastik asked everyone to sit where they sat on the previous day. After everyone was seated, they shifted according to the plan. Mr. Puneet was still in the happy period about his new sitting arrangement. He looked around and checked in his notebook if they were sitting according to his plan or not.

Swastik sat with Himadri for two periods. They talked to each other. Swastik wanted to utilize the chance and get close to Himadri. He had been in love with Himadri for a long time. But as he was introvert, he could not go and talk to Himadri. Himadri also never came to him for anything. The first two periods went well. Swastik was opening up with Himadri little by little.

Mr. Prem came to teach science in third period. He started the lesson as usual. But he stopped as soon as he noticed that Swastik was sitting with Himadri.

"Why are you two sitting together?" asked Mr. Prem.

Swastik and Himadri looked around like others. No one understood whom he was talking with.

"Swastik," he called. "Why are you sitting with Himadri?"

"We sat according to the seating arrangement," replied Swastik.

"Who arranged your seat?" asked Mr. Prem.

"Mr. Puneet," said Swastik.

"I would talk to him later. You get up and seat beside Ayushman."

Swastik got up and went to sit beside Ayushman unwillingly. Ankit, who was sitting with Ayushman was sent to sit with Himadri.

"Don't exchange your seat after I leave the class," Mr. Prem warned them. "I would come to check later."

Swastik had never met anyone clingier than Ayushman. Ayushman had spread his body on the desk. And his face was always on top of Swastik's copy. Swastik had to go over Ayushman's head to reach his own copy. It was tiring and Swastik missed the seat beside Himadri. He could not even start a friendship with him before they were separated.

Mr. Prem did not come to check them after he left their class. But every other teacher who came to teach them asked about Swastik and Himadri. They started their class only after confirming that Swastik and Himadri were sitting far away from each other.

Swastik was unaware of the reason but he was certain that the teachers of his school would never let him date Himadri. Should he wait till he graduates from the school? Would Himadri still be available by that time?   

TERA BHI KATEGA/ YOU TOO WILL GET DUMPED (FLASH FICTIONS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora