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Ankit was sitting on the gallery of his school's ground with his two best friends to watch the football match. The football team of his school was playing against another school. It was the semi-final of an interschool football tournament. Ankit was not a fan of football, but he had watched every match that his school team had played in that tournament, only to watch Himadri.

Himadri was the centre forward of his school's football team. He was tall and handsome. Under the hot sun his fair, unblemished skin was shining brightly.

The match was a tough one. Ankit was waiting anxiously and praying for his school to win the match. Both the teams had scored three goals and there were two more minutes to end the match. Ankit inserted his fingers in his messy hair and covered his eyes with his palms. That match was important for him. Suddenly his friends jumped in excitement and he looked up.

Himadri scored the last goal and took his team to the final. The whole school was happy but Ankit was happy for some personal reasons. There was only one more obstacle to win the tournament. After that he would date Himadri, the hero of that match.

Himadri confessed his love to Ankit one month ago. Ankit did not know him at that time.

"I don't even know you," Ankit said.

"Then try to know me," Himadri said. "I am in class tenth. Although I am not a top student like you, I don't fail in any subject. And I am a member of our school's football team. You are welcome to watch me practice."

Ankit's friend Swastik encouraged him but Lavyansh expressed his doubt.

"Does he really like you? What if he is playing with you?" Lavyansh asked.

"I should not take decision in hurry," Ankit agreed.

"Okay, let's collect information about him," Swastik suggested.

They did not found anything wrong about Himadri. And after watching Himadri's practice for a couple of weeks Ankit started liking him.

Himadri asked him again about his opinion. The interschool football tournament was about to start in couple of days that time.

"If you win the tournament and become the man of the tournament, I would consider your proposal," Ankit said.

"You have to say 'yes', if I can do that," Himadri said.

"Let's see," said Ankit.

After scoring the winning goal, Himadri looked at Ankit and smiled. Ankit blushed and looked away. Swastik and Lavyansh teased him mercilessly.

Ankit entered the lift of their residential building in daze and before he could press the button of his floor Niladri entered and pressed the button for top floor. Niladri lived on the top floor. He did not allow Ankit to press any other buttons.

"What do you want?" Ankit asked.

"You know very well what I want," replied Niladri.

Then he pinned Ankit on the wall and kissed him ferociously. Ankit tried to push him away but Niladri held him in position with one hand and touch all over his body with other hand. As the lift reached top floor and made a sound Ankit could finally get himself free.

He said, "Don't touch me ever again," and ran out.

Niladri ran behind him and said, "Just listen to me once."

"What else do you have to say?" Ankit stopped on his track.

"I don't want to force you, Ankit. But I really love you."

"But didn't I tell you many times that I DON'T LOVE YOU?" asked Ankit.

"But you like it when I touch you."

"I hate it."

"Look at me Ankit. I am handsome and I have a stable job. I can take care of you."

"I will be able to take care of myself. I would get a better job than you after graduation."

"Yes, you would. But please be with me. I would convince your parents."

"Go ahead, they would never allow you to come to our home again."

"Ankit, why don't you love me?"

"I love someone else," Ankit said, "from my school, of my age."

"No one would love you as much as I love you," Niladri said.

"He would," Ankit said.

"I will find out who that person is. My nephew is a student of class tenth in your school. You may know him. His name is Himadri, the centre forward of your school's football team."

"Is he your real nephew?" Ankit asked in shock.

"Yes, he is. His mother is my elder sister."

"You don't need to ask him."

"Are you going to tell me yourself?"

"It's him."


"It's him, whom I love."

"Does he love you too?"

"I think so."

"I am going to his home this moment to get that shit out of him."

"You don't need to." Ankit remembered the incident inside the lift. "I would not date him anymore."

"How dare he look at the person I love? I am going ...."

"He has an important match tomorrow. Don't bother him tonight. And don't come after me again in future. Otherwise I would tell my parents what you did today," said Ankit and walked down the stairs.

After getting the man of the tournament trophy, Himadri could not find Ankit anywhere although he was on the gallery during the match. Himadri was certain that Ankit would not refuse him anymore. But Ankit had just vanished. Himadri looked for him in every corner of the school but in vain.

He went home late with a broken heart. He had no idea what was waiting for him in his home. He had to take leave from school for almost a week as he was unable to get up from bed. His love story with Ankit ended before it could even start. They never met again. Niladri changed the job and went to another city.

Ankit cried night after night. But he was grateful to God. The damage was less on everyone due to the early detection of the problem. 

TERA BHI KATEGA/ YOU TOO WILL GET DUMPED (FLASH FICTIONS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora