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Swastik was sad, so was Himadri. They had just broken up a couple of days ago after dating for four months. It was literally a tale of 'love at first sight' for them. It was the first day of new session as well as the first day of those boys in this school.

Ankit was consoling Swastik. Over the last four months Ankit and Swastik became close as they shared same interests and hobbies.

"Don't be sad Swastik. If you and Himadri are incompatible then why are you feeling sad about?" Ankit placed his hand on Swastik's back and patted him.

"I am sad because it was my first love. I thought everything would go well forever." Swastik was sitting on his seat; his head was on the desk.

"If you want to continue the relationship you should talk to him," Ankit suggested. "You both can find a way to stay together."

"It's useless. It would just postpone our break up. We are not meant to be together." Swastik knew very well that loving someone and staying with them are two totally different things.

"What were you thinking about during the match?" asked Niladri.

"Nothing," replied Himadri as he laid down on the ground.

Niladri was sitting beside him. They just finished a match in which Himadri performed poorly.

"It's about Swastik. Isn't it?" asked Niladri.

"I don't want to talk about that," replied Himadri.

"If you care about him, why don't you express that to him?"

"I don't understand him. There is nothing common between us." Himadri got up and pulled a few grasses from the ground.

"Are you regretting loving him?" asked Niladri as he leaned backwards.

"I don't regret loving him. But I should not have rushed to date him." Himadri continues to tear the grasses in his hand.

"What difference would it make?"

"At least we would be friends now," said Himadri.

"You both can be friends now too," said Niladri emotionlessly.

Ankit and Niladri were best friends from junior classes. They were in class eighth when Swastik and Himadri came to their class from two different schools. Ankit liked Himadri and started talking to him. Himadri liked Swastik and the four boys became friends in no time. But before Ankit could understand his heart and express his feelings to Himadri, Himadri confessed to Swastik. Swastik did not delay to response and they started dating.

Ankit's love for Himadri remained hidden in his heart. Despite being hurt he never tried to separate Himadri and Swastik. But as Himadri was no longer with Swastik, Ankit was in a tight spot. He did not know if he should confess his love to Himadri or not.

Himadri and Swastik were no longer dating. But they stayed friends. Niladri put effort to maintain a healthy friendship among those four boys. Time went by and Ankit fell deeper in Himadri's love. But he did not have the gut express his feelings. He tried giving hints to Himadri, but Himadri behaved like a dense person. He never paid special attention to Ankit.

Swastik became cool within a month after his break up. And within a couple of months he started to feel for Niladri. He did not know what happened but he started liking everything about Niladri. But he had no idea what was in Niladri's mind.

Finally Ankit confessed his love for Himadri.

"I like you as a friend," replied Himadri. "I have no other feelings for you."

"But you can give it a try. We can spend more time together to know each other better," suggested Ankit.

"I think it is better this way. We should be friends forever," said Himadri.

Ankit was frustrated and furious. He vented his anger in front of Swastik.

"What does he think of himself?" asked Ankit in rage.

"You should have asked him politely," Swastik suggested. "Who would like you if you show this face of yours?"

"I asked him politely enough," Ankit retorted.

"He rejected you although you asked him politely?"

"Yes. Wait... Do you still like him? That's why you are not helping me?" asked Ankit.

"It's not that..."

"Then who do you like? Is it Niladri?" asked Ankit.

Swastik was speechless. He was unable to deny but did not want to accept.

Ankit said, "I think you two would look good together. Did you tell him?"

"There is nothing like that," said Swastik.

"Don't hide anything. It would be great if Niladri dates you. He never liked anyone before."

"I don't know if he likes me or not. I better not confess to him. Kya pata mera bhi kat jaye," said Swastik.

Ankit laughed happily for a good while. Then he said, "Ha yaar, shayad tera bhi katega."

"It's not that I have no experience of that." Swastik made a face and turned away.

"Then I should say, tera iss baar bhi katega."

They both laughed and Ankit side hugged Swastik. They stayed like that for a little while.