Chapter 33: Race against time

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"Please, be okay. Hold on a little longer, Y/N," he was muttering to himself. This was for the first time ever he felt this devastated. For the first time ever, Akutagawa suddenly felt sadness in his heart.


Immediately, when Atsushi and Akutagawa arrived to the door, Atsushi called Katai to ask him about the finger print device, since Katai knew how to hack every device.

"Well, this really is an amazing independent power grid," Katai was muttering to himself, Atsushi was just raising his brows, "though there will be a problem with a network speed. To start with this hideout's internal circuitry, it doesn't connect to the outside at all. Therefore, hacking it is impossible, dear boy. Unless I connect directly like this, I can't even get a peek at the internal power grid," Katai finished, Atsushi remained speechless. He was amazed by the fact that even when it's impossible to hack, Katai decided to try it.

"We're running out of time...our priority should be finding the enemy's location instead of unlocking some stupid door. It'd be easy to break through an iron door like this but if we do not find the virus along with the ability user, then our Boss will die, so will Fukuzawa and...Y/N," Akutagawa crossed his arms.
Atsushi was paying attention to every word he said.

"Please, wait for a little moment, bro! I've got this!" Katai told Akutagawa and Atsushi wanted to laugh but was afraid of being killed so he rather kept his mouth shut.

"Who the fuck are you calling 'bro?' I'll kill you even though I have no idea who you are!" Akutagawa arched his back against the wall, stepping even further from Atsushi. His thoughts again came back to you.

Atsushi's tiger eyes kept watching his teammate, he then asked outta blue: "Akutagawa? Why do you think Dazai-san wanted two of us to team up?"
Akutagawa rolled his eyes, then gave tiger boy a glare.

"What a stupid question. Those who try to understand Dazai-san all hit dead end. It is how it works. He just judged that teaming us up would have the highest success rate. No need to question it.

Plus, you're his most trusted subordinate in the Detective Agency. Of course you were chosen to do this. But trust me, if it wasn't for Y/N's sake... you'd be dead already!" Akutagawa came back to his thoughts, but then another question was born in his mind all of sudden, so he asked:

"Weretiger, let me ask you something too. Why are you going along with the plan?" Akutagawa closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, in order to avoid eye contact with Atsushi.
"What?! This question doesn't make any sense to me..."

"I already told you why I am in. Because of Y/N. But would a coward like you put your life in danger for the sake of others?" Akutagawa tried to provoke Atsushi with his tone of voice, however Atsushi's reaction was different than he expected.  he just bowed his head and answered: "Because I have to do what's right."

"Why?" Akutagawa teased, when suddenly a voice from the phone sounded: "I found it! The location of the ability user Pushkin!"

Immediately, both of the boys began to pay attention again to the mission at hand. "Really? That's great! Our chance to win is close!" Atsushi was happy, although Akutagawa for some reason felt that it was not the right time to be happy.

"He is close... actually very close... two meters behind you!" Katai said and Atsushi hung up, frightened. Suddenly, the guard who referred himself as Number 48 aimed the gun at Akutagawa. "Akutagawa!" Atsushi jumped and as the Pushkin fired, Atsushi's hands pushed Akutagawa to the ground, although he got a scratch from the bullet.

"Ahah, I missed! But it's okay too!" he started running away. "Wait!" Atsushi turned around but Pushkin was already nowhere to be found. "Where did he...the mining carts!" Atsushi turned to Akutagawa, who fell to the ground.

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