Chapter 19: Switching the partners

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When you finally manage to push him away, you refuse to meet his gaze, having mess in your mind.

"W-why did you..." you were unable to finish your question.

"I just felt like it," finally letting you go, Akutagawa left the terrace, leaving you standing there, drowning in confusion. Your hand touched your lips, watching his silhouette until he lost in the crowd of people.


You couldn't understand anything. You got back before the party ended, not giving a shit about Mori. You felt sick, you had a headache, you had even feeling like you were drunk, even though you weren't. It was just your mind, messing with you. Or was it actually Akutagawa who was messing with you?

"Tch...just who does he think he is? I bet that now he will act like nothing happened or he will ignore me again. What an idiot he is..."

You were talking to yourself, meanwhile you were getting rid of the dress. Although you hated him for what he said to you after the kiss, you had to admit that you liked it.

'Yep. Clearly mind messing. Thank you idiot.'


Another week passed and as you were expecting, Akutagawa wasn't giving a shit about your presence. He clearly just was ignoring you. When he saw that you want to use the bathroom at the same time he wanted to, he just turned his back to you and either left the apartment or just went into another room.

But in Akutagawa's mind, there was happening a lot more than you could imagine, all those feelings were squeezing his heart and he was fighting them. Even though, he couldn't win somehow. He was confused about the kiss, besides, it was his first time kissing someone. However, he had no idea why he actually did that.

You were about to go to brush your teeth, when Akutagawa suddenly walked towards you, pushing you against the closet door. His fingers slid through your hair and you immediately pushed him away.

"There was a fly in your hair."

"Stop messing with me, you idiot! 'I just felt like it.' How can you just tell this to someone right after you kiss them?!!"

You were about to explode, especially when you saw that his face is just as calm as usual. You had no idea if he's just faking it or he actually is really that calm.

"Y/N...stop yelling-"

"No! Don't tell me what to do!"

"C-mon Y/N. What was I supposed to tell you? I just answered your question know this was my first time kissing someone."

"Well why did you kiss me then?! And don't you dare to say 'I felt like it' again!"

Akutagawa froze inside. He had no idea why he actually did that, the problem was that he just felt like he wants to do it. There was nothing else behind it. He only remained silent, unable to answer your question.

"You know what's the worst about it? That I liked it! I liked a kiss from a criminal!"

His hand reached to your face, but you just slapped it to stop it.

"Don't touch me, Akutagawa! I guess you've done enough..." when Akutagawa took a look at your face, he saw that tears glistened in your eyes. You immediately turned your back on him and buried your face in your hands. Also, he was kinda disappointed that in your eyes he is only a criminal.

"You said that you felt love for me back then," he muttered.

"Huh? Akutagawa, do you have any idea about what love actually is? Have you actually ever loved someone?!"

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