Chapter 31: Symptoms

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"Wanna do this one by one? Or should we all go at it at once? Well? Doesn't matter to me."

So it was again, Port Mafia against Armed Detective Agency, you didn't dare to guess who could win.


As you started staring at the members of the Agency more carefully, something just didn't seem to be right to you. You could see it, even though your eyes were blurry. It was all illusion. Tanizaki's ability. A slight cough escaped your mouth, Akutagawa gave you unsure look, you were ignoring it.

Suddenly the snow started falling from the ceiling and you weren't surprised as everyone else, when everyone, except Tanizaki disappeared. He raised his hands above his head, giving up, as he was saying: "Kenji-kun blasted through the wall and carried the President out. Right now him and other Agency members are already escaping the hospital."

You stared at him in disbelief. But still, you knew that the Agency always has a backup plan.

"Tricking our main forces so the Agency could escape, huh? You threw your life to play a decoy?" Akutagawa crossed his arms and glared at Tanizaki, who frowned. "I haven't thrown away my life. I am just holding onto Ranpo-san's message!"

Chuuya finally stood up, glaring at him. Then, he ordered Gin, Tachihara and Hirotsu to take care of him. They took him with you as a hostage into Mafia HQ. All the way there, you could feel Tanizaki's gaze piercing your back, plus you were still enduring your sickness, about which you didn't tell anyone.

You felt terrible, but no one would care, so you kept your mouth shut and tried to act like you're okay.

As you headed back, you didn't care about Tanizaki anymore. It wasn't like you weren't interested in what's gonna happen to him, but you just couldn't think about anything now. Your mind was empty, you were about to throw up, but you endured the feeling.

As you and Chuuya headed to his apartment, you immediately shut your room's door and locked yourself into your bathroom, your hands immediately clenched onto a sink. You were breathing heavily and your head was spinning. From a shelf above your head you grabbed some medicine and ate like two or three pills, you had no idea, because everything was blurred.

But as soon, as you swallowed the pills, you again felt that feeling, something was burning you in your stomach. Immediately, you leaned down to the toilet, put your hands on the edges and just threw up. You couldn't hold it inside any longer, you just felt miserable.

Then, you cleaned your teeth and took a look at yourself in the mirror. It wasn't just inside, on the outside, you also looked miserable. "Maybe...I just ate something bad..." Again, your head was spinning, you couldn't even walk properly, "or maybe...NO! HOLY FUCK!" you screamed as your mind trailed to the image of you being pregnant. But there was no way. In pregnancy woman only has sicknesses in morning, right?

You gripped the shower curtain so you wouldn't fall to the floor and hit your head, otherwise it could be even worse. "Chuuya..." you whispered even though you knew he wouldn't hear you. You needed to get to the door somehow, since it was locked.

But even though you tried to collect all your strength, you found out that there was any left in your body. You were weak. Completely without any physical strength. You lowered your head and your eyes met the floor. Everything was spinning, all you could do was breath.

The whole world was spinning with you, you couldn't even move or hold on anymore, you just let your body fall limply to the floor, your hand kept reaching for the door, but it was useless. A few tears fell from your eyes before you passed out.

~ after a while later ~

"Y/N! Y/N, you were screaming! Is everything okay?!" Chuuya was yelling, but got no response from behind the door. "I am coming in!" he stated and opened the room's door, finding out that you're not in here.

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