Nancy Wheeler- Paper (a)

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As soon as Nancy entered the kitchen of your small Hawkins' home the otherwise dull walls became alit with her aura of joy, hope and love. She clutched the newspaper tightly against her chest as she seemed to almost waltz into the room, her rose-tinted lips spread into a tight, humble smile.

"Look!" She practically threw the paper in front of your face and quickly flicked through the front pages. "They finally printed one of my stories y/n, can you believe it?" Her soft finger tapped repeatedly against the tiny print 'Nancy Wheeler' that sat on the bottom of the page, hidden amongst the other fine typed letters. "It's a stupid little feel good story about a dog and her owner that travel across the Midwest competing in dog shows but what else have we got to show off some Hawkins pride?"

"Don't put yourself down Nancy... Do you have any idea that something you wrote went out to research and what you wrote has made it in the paper? Think of how many people are going to ready your story and feel good about themselves, and smile... your articles are going to do a whole world of good, you know the people around here can do with more than a little dose of cheering up."

"Yeah..." He smiles grew larger but also softer. "I can't expect to be reporting on all the big world-ending news right away, but one day. One day I'll make front page and that is going to be the day I know that I've really made it. I should just be grateful that my name is in the paper and I'm doubly glad that its below the article and not inside of it for something stupid."

"You know, it might just be your lucky day actually Nancy Wheeler, I have the freshest scoop on a brand new piece of news that is sure to make front page, and I'm thinking national news."

"Oh really?" Nancy leant in eagerly and played along. "What front page, mind blowing headliner do we have locked and loaded today?" You stood from the table, slowly dropped to one knee and with a fluttering heart pulled the black, velvet box from your pocket.

"Newspaper superstar marries devilishly handsome local bum... Personally I think it has a really nice ring to it... I really hope my poor pun doesn't affect your choice here."


Written by Aaron.

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