Eddie Munson- Battle of the Bands: Part 1 (c)

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Hawkins was a small town, and it was surrounded by other small towns so anyone into anything out of the acceptable 'norm' got to know one another quickly. You had joined a band when you were young with some friends and in playing small gigs and entering any competitions that would have you, you had gotten to know other bands that were also waiting for their big breaks. Your band had crossed paths with Corroded Coffin's a long time ago and seen as you had a relatively similar sound, they instantly became your rival, specifically Eddie their guitarist.

With the local battle of the band's competition coming up again, you knew you would see him there and as long as you did better than they did, you'd be happy. You had gotten there earlier than the rest of your band to make sure you were all signed in and ready, and that you could get a drink to try and drown your nerves.

You had barely taken a seat at the bar and got a drink before you heard the voice that you had gotten to know over the years.

"If it isn't Y/N Y/S/N," you heard the cocky voice call.

You let out a sigh, taking a big mouthful of your drink.

"Eddie Munson," you said, turning in your seat to face him.

He annoyed you beyond means, but maybe what annoyed you most was that you were very much into him. You couldn't deny he was attractive and talented and even though you had to hate each other for being in rival bands, he never took the competition too far to be mean to you.

"You're looking as beautiful as ever," he smirked. "You'll look even better in second place."

"You've always looked best in bronze," you retorted.

He took the seat beside you, quickly putting in his drink order, the bartender well aware that neither of you were legally able to drink yet but was willing to turn a blind eye as there was far worse going on there than underage drinking.

"How have you been since we last kicked your ass?" He grinned.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know how to judge how I've been since a fictitious event."

"I've got to admit I've missed you."

A small smile curled onto your lips. "Well maybe you could spend more time with me when Corroded Coffin is opening for our shows."

He rolled his eyes. "We'll see won't we," he said, leaning in closer to you, resting a hand on your upper thigh. "May the best man win."

You helped close the distance between you, using one of your hands to push his long hair from his shoulder to allow yourself to get close to his ear.

"You better prove that you're a man then."

Before he could respond, you slid from your seat and his grasp, taking your drink with you and heading off to where your band was going to be preparing before the show.

Written by Charlotte.

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