Eddie Munson- Battle of the Bands: Part 3 (c)

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Your bandmates wanted to celebrate a great performance whilst the rest of the bands played and waited for the results, so you offered to get their stuff back to the car as you could use the fresh air.

As you made your way to the side of the stage to gather up their stuff, you noticed Eddie loitering there, trying to seem nonchalant but it was hard not to notice him glancing at you from the corner of his eye.

You gave yourself a second to weigh up your options before throwing any concerns to the wind to just jump at the chance. Shoving the car keys into your pocket, you grabbed two of the cases, leaving two more on the floor.

"Munson," you called above the loud noise, knowing he would hear you seen as he was already paying attention to you. "Can you give me a hand?"

You didn't wait for him to respond, knowing he would follow you. He grabbed the two cases and did as you planned, following you out into the car park over to your friends care for you to load up all their stuff. You both placed down the cases so that you could fish out the keys from your pocket.

"Thanks," you smiled softly. "You guys did good tonight."

He chuckled. "Well, I think I made it pretty obvious that I liked yours."

You took a step towards him to close the gap between the two of you, forcing you to crane your neck so that you could see his face.

"Was it the song you liked or something else?"

Eddie let out a groan, running a hand through his long hair, giving up halfway when one of his rings got tangled but did his best to play it off as cool, whilst you tried your best not to laugh at him.

"You really know how to drive me crazy," he whispered down to you, his other hand winding around your waist to rest on your lower back.

"I try my best," you smirked.

He shook his head, a playful grin on his face. Eddie looked you up and down, taking in every inch of the woman that he had bickered with endlessly as long as he had known but desperately fallen for no matter how hard he had tried.

"Fuck it."

He gave up trying to control himself. He had wanted you for so long and if you weren't into it he wouldn't continue but he was going to take his chance.

Pressing his lips firmly to yours, he pulled you to him, letting your bodies curve into each other. He took a moment to see if you were feeling the same, but when your hands moved up to lace in the mess of his hair as you tried to remove any form of gap between you and deepen the kiss, he was pretty sure you felt the same. Cupping his hands behind you, he lifted you up to wrap your legs around his middle, to support your back against the side of your friends care, letting the two of you fall into the desperation of the moment, not caring who won the competition as you'd both won what you truly had been after.


Written by Charlotte.

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