Eddie Munson- Battle of the Bands: Part 2 (c)

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Maybe it was the fact that you had been so close to the man who had been getting under your skin for years or the fact that the room had quickly filled with loud drunken people, but you were starting to feel a bit warm and flushed. It felt as though you could feel his hand on your thigh, gently pressing his fingers into your leggings to grip onto your leg, higher than was socially acceptable to touch. The short interaction had been stuck in your head until another member of your band arrived, giving you someone to talk to, avoiding all discussion of the fact that you'd already spoken to your long-lasting rival.

It wasn't much longer until the rest of your band was there too joining you in the crowd for the first band to take the stage. You tried to be good sports, cheering and supporting your competitors even if secretly you were hoping they'd crash and burn for the sake of your own win. You kept searching in the crowd for the shaggy haired competitor, regularly catching his eye throughout the different band's performances.

When it was Corroded Coffin's turn on the stage, he didn't take his eyes off of you, almost missing his cues more than once due to keeping his attention on you. You wanted to be smug that you had that affect, that maybe you could be their downfall, but you felt the heat returning to your cheeks and was far too flustered to think of it.

There was one band between theirs and your performance and the normal show nerves kicked in as you all made your way onto the stage. You decided you would return the favour to Eddie whilst taking your place as the lead singer and search out his gaze during your song.

Maybe he would think it was just you trying to prove yourself after he had done the same to you, but as you sung a song that bordered the lines of love and lust, every word being directed at him, he could take it personally- you hoped he would take it personally. As the song came to an end you gave him a wink, a gesture the rest of the crowd would see as your confidence but to him it was something more.

You stepped down from the microphone as the crowd cheered, turning to take one last glance at him. He screamed and clapped above his head, throwing his body around, to the dismay of those around him, but as soon as he saw you looking at him, his arms fell to his side and he looked down to his shoes, all flailing seizing. A triumphant smile came upon your face, knowing that if even your rival enjoyed your song, then that was probably a good sign, but mainly you were just glad he had enjoyed it.


Written by Charlotte.

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