Chapter 15

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When we went to college, the thought of not going together hadn't even crossed our minds. I knew Evie would never leave her dad behind. And I would never leave behind her. But we both knew how much I wanted to move. Wishing to see what it was like to live so alone, you begin to miss who you once were. Because I didn't think I would miss whoever I was then.

And so, the summer before college, Evie studied hard from the comforts of her home, her dad as quietly as always admiring his daughter and I went to Houston, leaving her side... but not really. I mean what is an hour of drive in a friendship?

There was an apartment in Houston on the outskirts of the city, where the grass was yellow and people were grumpy where I found the most obnoxious and yet one of the most fascinating person in my life.

His name was Owen.

If you could have any superpower you want, what would it be?

The words left his mouth just as quickly as they disappeared in the hot air. I remember thinking:

Can you at least let me in first?

We were standing in the doorway, his face leaning down, aggressively smiling at me. He had this accent that I kind of liked. It was similar to Evie's. But his was deeper and stranger. He repeated his question impatiently like it was some magical spell and I thought about it for a second.

Nothing, I said.

Why, he asked.

There is nothing extraordinary about power, to wish for it, I said.

That boy stared at me for a good second. I was planning on leaving and continuing my search for an apartment when he said:

You're weird.

Oh, I let out.

You are supposed to say thank you, Owen said.

You are obnoxious, I told him honestly.

The look on his face was priceless.

What, he said in confusion.

You are supposed to say thank you, I told him with a twitching smile.

He laughed, took my hands in a more than enthusiastic way and exclaimed:

We're gonna be friends!

He was my best friend. Best of all. And I know, if I had been without him... I wouldn't get through the events of my freshman year of college. I would never get through the part of my life Evie represented... without him.

So, if you ever read this Owen, thank you.

Owen turned out to be exactly what I expected him to be the very first day

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Owen turned out to be exactly what I expected him to be the very first day. Obnoxious. And inherently fascinating.

He talked all the time. Even when it was obvious I wasn't listening. He answered questions about his day and life, I had never asked and he rambled about the most random things on Earth...

But to my dismay, from time to time... his philosophying caught my attention. And to everyone's surprise, I conversed with him. Gladly.

...but he usually ruined it with a silly comment that made me feel unusual violence. But it made me realise... friendships aren't perfect. Neither are the people in those friendships...

I slowly started to understand, Evie and I weren't in truth... friends.


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