Chunin Exams Starts

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Chapter 49 (Team 9), Chapter 50 (Spies and Enemies), Chapter 51 (Writing Exam), Chapter 52 (Forest of Death), Chapter 53 (First Battle), Chapter 54 (Uzumaki Friend), Chapter 55 (Snake Sannin), Chapter 56 (One Tail Vs Seven Tails), Chapter 57 (Sannin vs. Genin), and Chapter 58 (Anko's Revenge) are already available for Patrons.

Kumo Teams

"So you meet Naruto?!" Bee questioned the team but mostly Yugito.

Two Kumo teams had just arrived on Konoha, Team eleven and Team one, were Yugito, Mabui, and Atsui; their sensei was Darui, the dark panther, known for his dark Lightning ability, which was said to be on par with Raikage's Lightning Armor, one of the Strongest Jutsus to Exist.

The second team, Team eleven, belonged to Bee, The Jinchuuriki of Eight-Tails, an S-Rank Shinobi of Kumo. His team consisted of Samui, Karui, and Omoi. Bee was known around the Shinobi World as the second Perfect Jinchuuriki to exist; the first was The Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi.

He is known to be one of the strongest Shinobis of Kumo, being beaten only by The Raikage, Kushina Uzumaki, The Red Death, and Minato Namikaze, The Yellow Flash.

When they arrived at Konoha, it didn't take long for the Kumo Teams to get suspicious eyes from the majority of civilians and even some Shinobi; Kumo Teams didn't bother to acknowledge their presence and didn't bother to say counter their insults when some of them started calling them kidnappers, rapists, and any other name, none of them reacted, well except Karui and Atsui. They almost attacked if it wasn't for Bee and Darui holding them back from their ears like little kids.

Kumo knew the reason was because of what happened between Kumo and Hyuga Clan.

Since she knew that the Chunin Exams would be held in Konoha for a while, Yugito had secretly hoped that The Raikage would allow them to participate; Kumo still needed to show their strength in front of the Elemental Nations, and what better way to do this than beat Konoha on their own home.

Since she met Naruto, the blonde Jinchuuriki had quite been looking forward to meeting him again and perhaps becoming something more, but that didn't mean she would allow herself to lose if it came to fighting; if that were the case, she would give it all she had especially with someone like Naruto.

"You called for us, Raikage-Sama?" Mabui questioned the Raikage; Team one had been training when an Anbu arrived, informing them that the Raikage wanted them in the office; Darui had been confused since he had informed the Raikage that he would spend the whole month training his team, especially Yugito since she still needed to fight on her Semi-Bijuu mode without the risk of hurting or even killing her opponent.

"What do you think the Raikage wants?" Mabui had questioned her sensei with a calculating look; Atsui just groaned since he was having a good time looking at the beautiful sight from the top of the mountains they were training on; Yugito simply waited for her sensei to answer.

Darui had shrugged his shoulders, already having a feeling about why he wanted them there. "Let's see what he wants; I hope it is not dull," he spoke.

Arriving at the office, Yugito raised an eyebrow when she saw Samui, Karui, and Omoi in the office as well, especially her least favorite person in Kumo.

"Ojj, Big Brother, Whattttt is that youu wanted from the two best teams in Kumo History," Bee asked, but more like rapping, 'Seriously, when is he going to understand that his voice is horrible,' Yugito questioned herself with clear annoyance on her face.

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